Opinions of Thursday, 19 June 2014

Columnist: Fuseini, Inusah Abudulai

Wontumi is becoming a thorn in our flesh

Wontumi is becoming a thorn in our flesh, let’s take him serious

After the “Ya Y3 d3n” demonstration that rocked the garden city of Kumasi, I have come to the realization that the NDC as a party should undertake a retrospective analysis of his political activities, learn from them and develop an effective counter mechanism that will halt Chairman Wontumi’s soaring popularity and that of the NPP in the Ashanti-region and in the country as a whole.

Time has come for the NDC to stop behaving like the proverbial ostrich and face the realities of the harsh and unbearable economic conditions that has made the ordinary Ghanaian vulnerable

The massive and historic turn out seen in the Ashanti Kingdom during the demonstration, in my opinion is ample evidence of the difficulty and challenges facing our people today, thus they resonated with the message of the Ashanti regional Chairman and the NPP that:

1. Access to healthcare using the National Health Insurance is problematic as some hospitals of missionary inclination are on daily basis withdrawing their services and resorting to the old “cash and carry” system. The situation is even worse in regions where the capitation policy has been introduced, yet we seem to be trying to say that all is well, is it the kind of health delivery we the NDC promised our people? Obviously Not

2. The worsening energy situation which has brought in its wake collapsed small and medium scale business and the retrenchment of labour due to reduced productivity.

3. Cost of living is astronomically surging by the day as salaries have been become insufficient for workers of all categories, leading to gross corruption in our public sectors among others.

As Chairman Wontumi and the NPP trumpeted these issues and many others to rally support for the demonstration, I kept hearing loud-mouthed NDC communicators trying to dismiss the issues, describing them as baseless and unfounded, with some going to the extent of saying that it is only the jobless who would partake in such a demonstration. Quiet a ridiculous statement in my opinion!!
It’s high time we admit that Chairman Wontumi and his NPP are gradually gaining enough sympathy and grounds to unseat our party-NDC and that something drastic and urgent need to be done to safeguard our victory in 2016, if we desirous of maintaining power.
A stitch in time, they say, saves nine

Alhaji Inusah Abudulai Fuseini Ph.D.
Texas, USA
E-mail: inusahfuseni@optimum.net