Opinions of Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Columnist: Citizens Awake Forum

Woyome’s Judgment Should Give Ghanaians Some Clue That ...

....Abuga Pele’s Trial Would Yield No Result.

The recent judgment by the Accra High Court which exonerated Woyome has triggered the leadership and the entire members of CITIZENS AWAKE FORUM (CAF) to predict the outcome of Abuga Pele’s trial who had been charged with willfully causing financial loss to the state.

As it were, Abuga Pele, the former boss of National Youth and Employment Programme, now GYEEDA is said to have paid over $2 million to a local consultant whose proof of work done could not be ascertained.

As we speak. Abuga Pele is somehow a free man and the government pretends prosecuting the Member of Parliament for Chiana Paga constituency.

The truth must be told that since the government could not prosecute Woyome, the same government cannot prosecute Abuga Pele.

We have heard many times the government willing to fight corruption but you cannot fight corruption when the same government is over protecting corrupt officials. If not, certain personalities should have been sheltered in the Nsawam Prison by now.

Indeed, the fight against corruption means nothing to the government. Indeed, there is total lack of commitment on the part of the government in prosecuting cases of corruption.

Apparently, the question that comes in mind, must we continue to honor our tax obligations? Clearly, if you look at the attitude of the government where the tax payer’s money is under no proper supervision, then there is no point in paying taxes.

Undoubtedly, government and his appointees use our taxes to enrich themselves at the expense of the national interest. So, don’t we feel for the market women, the kayayies, and the pure water sellers etc who in the midst of all these hardship still manage to pay their taxes?

As we usually say certain individuals associated with the government are trading on a large scale. As a matter of fact, some people are using Mahama as a protective cover ostensibly collecting monies on behalf of the government but in reality those monies ends up in their pockets.

Today, the attitude of those individuals has emptied the national reserves and thus dumsor dumsor is the state of Ghana. Doesn’t this ring a bell in the ear of the government to put measures in place to end this man made ills?

It is tragic that our country, so well endowed with natural resources has been reduced to an economic wasteland by the system of mismanagement and greed.

What is the justification that Abuga Pele would not be freed? Ghanaians are wide awake and are therefore following the outcome of this mass corruption at the GYEEDA and we fully advise the government not to fail Ghanaians this time.

Long live Ghana!

Long live CAF!

And God bless us all!


Ernest Kojo Smith, the Executive Director of CAF (0240179530)
John D. Ofori Attah (Operations)
Ali Musah Danjumah, (Executive Member)
Egya Adam (Executive Member)
Rubin Kwame Ayisi (Executive Member)

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