Opinions of Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Columnist: Ghana Anti-Propaganda Squad

Woyome's Letter is diversionary - It's part of a grand conspiracy

1. We have known all along that the Woyome deal was a grand NDC conspiracy to defraud the state and to get away with it mo matter the public outcry in a typical yentie obia fashion/dead goat fashion. It involved leading figures of the party including Betty Mould, Barton Oduro, Kwabena Duffuor, the Presidency and party HQ. Over $300m of your money, our money was stolen through such bogus judgment debt deals and much more would have. The Supreme Court has already declared the Woyome deal and others as a conspiracy to Create, Loot, & Share monies belonging to the State.

2. We also know that the Government had no suicidal stomach to prosecute Woyome. How can they, when the whole deal was planned and executed in the name of the Presidenct and Party? If you remember, Woyome threatened to name the key players because at some point he felt he was being made the fall guy. It was the principal reason why Amidu was fired as an AG. He was preparing to mount an effective prosecution against the wishes of, and specific instructions from the Party and Presidency.

3. The current AG was brought in because she had an additional incentive to do a bad job. She has done her job. Her firm represented the parties that won the fraudulent judgment debt and collected US$1 Million. She benefited with her former boss Tony Lithur, the President's lawyer.

4. The AG herself had every reason to leak that document to Woyome's team herself. It helped to make a weak case. The judgement they all expected has now been procured, and Woyome has been acquitted.

5. Except the acquittal came at a very bad time for the Government and President. So a diversion has been set in motion. The NDC has always counted on the public to let such criminality slide. Not this time! According to President John Mahama Ghanaians have short memories. However, this time a constellation of happenings has increased the temperature of the public: dumsor dumsor, the President's 'cynic' and Dead Goat Syndrome remarks etc have angered the public. The outcry has been massive, and people are baying for blood!

6. The NDC/President John Mahama had no choice but to instruct the AG to appeal, knowing it won't get anywhere. But it needs a plan to safeguard the verdict. The deal/Woyome has to remain protected. The plan they came up with is Woyome's letter.

7. And the giveaway to this is simply this: Why didn't Woyome ask the AG to recuse herself from the case from Day 1? The case has travelled the full length in court until judgment was given and at no point, not even once did he raise this matter. Why NOW?

8. The answer is simply that it was necessary then to have her there then. They had it all planned. They didn't expect the public backlash. Things are falling apart, and another plan is needed. A bold, diversionary plan. To keep our eyes off the main prize.

9. The plan is two-fold:

a. Get rid of the AG who has outlived her usefulness: She was brought in to lose the case and she has. Her firm collected a cool US$1 Million already. She is now a liability if she remains in office with the shattered credibility. Another reason is also that she was involved in the Tier 2 Pensions brouhaha in which Pensions Alliance Trust was illegally selected. The case is now hanging over Government's head like the Sword of Damocles. So, it's a now a good time to throw the AG under the bus, OR, FAILING THAT

b. To set up the grounds for Woyome to claim 'persecution' by the State. Persecution which is also motivated by conflict of interest

10. In the end, the grand plan is to stage a fight, knowing too well the appeal would lead nowhere because it would be based on the very weak facts presented at the High Court. Expect the AG to be reshuffled and quietly apologised to.

Once again, the crafty, and thoroughly corrupt NDC thinks it can fool Ghanaians with its usual diversionary tactics. We must not forget that this has been a CONSPIRACY TO CREATE, LOOT, AND SHARE from Day 1.

Ignore Woyome's letter. Keep your eyes on the thieves.

Demand that the President fires the AG, and her Deputy, not because Woyome wants it, but because those at the apex of the judicial system have themselves become participants of a grand conspiracy to defraud the state.