Opinions of Thursday, 8 July 2010

Columnist: Prah, Prince

Yaa Bi Onye!

When I was a young girl growing up in Nsawam, where I was conceived, born, bred and started schooling, and first saw two small ‘boils’ on my chest, there lived this man called Atta Narh, who lived in a compound house with his dog by name ‘yaa bi onye’.

Anytime we saw Atta Narh returning from work we, the kids in the area, would start shouting‘yaa bi onye wo papa reba’, which literally means ‘yaa bi onye’ your father is coming.

It was when I realized the two ‘boils’ on my chest were not boils but BREAST that I got know why Atta Narh named his ‘yaa bi onye’.

The long and short of my story is that some people; male/female who think all unmarried women are HARLOTS, PROSTITUTES, LESBIANS, MISTRESSES, BROTEL KEEPERS should go and ask their married mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, grandmothers WHO BROKE THEIR VIRGINITY, LASTLY THEIR WIVES AND HUSBANDS.

There is an Akan saying that ‘Oponko Abodan ne wura no de Ombodam’ meaning if the donkey is crazy, the jockey nor the owner should not be seen as crazy.

I will appeal to all concerned not to go STRIP TEASING or CAT-WALKING or anything. I personally hate to deal with people who have INFERIORITY COMLEX, people who overdress, people who never dreamt of becoming what they are now, people who are so careless in their utterances, especially when not doing the work they were trained to do. Example, if you are trained in KABUL or AZERBAIJAN to take care and treat horses and other animals, and you decide to be a local Sanitation Inspector, you end up being a laughing stock, you ridicule yourself, and finally disgrace your family as well as any party you claim to belong to.

I have therefore decided to monitor what is happening in order for me to come out at the opportune time.

Daavi AMA, Member of the NPP Source: prahprince-prince.blogspot.com