Opinions of Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Columnist: Prince Kelly Anyomitse

Young people must condemn violence against immigrants in South Africa and subsequent reprisal attacks

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“We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as Fools”……Dr, Martin Luther King Jr.

Speech Forces Organization, on behalf of young young Africans strongly condemns happenings currently ongoing in our fellow African nations, South Africa, Zambia and Nigeria. Haven worked the past few months on a project relating to Migration, we are extremely concerned that the positive economic benefits of such a venture will just go down the drain in a matter of hours through burning down and looting of shops and even worse, loss of human lives.

Everyone agitating for more violence or its retaliation as a solution to the already precarious situation must desist from it. We as young people must not Hate, it is a Disease. It destroys our enemies, yes, but it will eventually destroy us too. What you give, you certainly will get back hence let us endeavour to give Love, for it is same we will get in return. Let us uphold Friendship and Unity because these two you cannot buy. If we do not learn from these, we have already lost the key to our future as Africans fighting for a common cause towards development, unity and economic prosperity.

These level of violence and agitation between the two most economically viable nations on the continent with a combined GDP of about $750 billion, must not and should not be treated as an isolated incident but one that concerns as all, else we will not be able to grapple with the ripple effects.

We therefore call on all appropriate organizations both regional and international to step in and act swiftly in resolving the situation.

We are asking all young citizens of the affected nations to remain calm, speak against the violence and focus our energy on consolidating the little gains we have made so far as a continent rather than destroy it, as the youth in other continents are running miles ahead of us.

Now to the few privileged ones (our leaders) who have been given the power to make decisions on behalf of young people of this continent, we will like to remind you of the increasing numbers of unemployed and hopeless people your daily decisions are breeding. It is time we start reversing this phenomenon by investing meaningfully in their lives in order to prevent any such future occurrences.

One continent, One people.
