Opinions of Saturday, 25 May 2013

Columnist: Arkorful, Danny

Owusu Bempa Or T B Joshua Who Is Of God

, By Their Fruit You Shall Know Them

The Head pastor of Glorious Word Ministry International (GWMI), Rev. Owusu Bempa has over the last few months carried himself as the spiritual Head of this nation, giving false and gloomy prophesies and lambasting great men of God in and out of the nation with impunity for obvious, cheap publicity.

Owusu Bempa who gave a “Stomach Prophecy” that the President of the land John Dramani Mahama will die which caused fear and panic in the nation, and lambasted reputable men of God such as Bishop Agyin Asare of the Word Miracle International Church and Arch Bishop Duncan Williams of the Action Chapel International who tried to call him to order, has done it again. While Ghanaians await the death of the President patiently so that we can give him a befitting burial, Owusu Bempa in a U-TURN has attributed the failure of his prophecy to intercessory prayers that have been organized for the President. Now, once again sees the Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations prophet T B Joshua’s recent visit to Ghana as an opportunity to announce his presence by drawing comparison between himself and T B Joshua, calling him an occultist and Anti Christ.

If God the Almighty really called Owusu Bempa then the spirit of God has departed from him and the devil have possessed him. His extra marital affairs and lavish life style has cost him is marriage and turn him into “Prophetic Maradona”, who dribbles his way into the pockets of the poor and vulnerable without mercy. He has lost track of his purpose and does not believe even in the scripture that says greater things than this shall you do if you believe. Or is it that he has limited the power of God to what he can envisage and that anything greater is from the devil ? People of God this shouldn’t come as a surprise at all because Jesus our saviour during his earthly ministry was accused of using the spirit of Beelzebub to cast out demons which he replied to by saying how can the devil cast out devil, a Kingdom divided among itself cannot stand. May be the source of Owusu Bempa’s spiritual prowess is questionable that is why he sees Prophet T B Joshua and his friend Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Christ Embassy as the Anti Christ. The question now is what of the Benny Hinn, the C S Upthegrove and the other great men of God who have endorsed Prophet T B Joshua?, Owusu Bempa can you please help us?. It is said that he who robs to succeed believes every successful person is a robber. Comparing himself to Prophet T B Joshua, Owusu Bempa said on OKAY FM that T B Joshua is no better than himself or any other man of God in the country and that he will never attend any programme organized by T B Joshua. Has he again forgotten the Scripture that says comparing our self to one another means we are not wise or he no longer believes there are different dimensions of anointing in the spiritual realm or the Bible verse that says there are diverse gifts but of the same spirit. why then the comparison. If it’s an attempt to gain international popularity then i am afraid he has failed big time, because even in Ghana he is not well known, his popularity can best be described as a drop in the ocean.

Wherever light appears darkness must give way. The triumphant entery of God’s servant Prophet T B Joshua into Ghana is the fading voice of the devil that we are hearing. Owusu Bempa has succeeded quite too long in using gimmicks to siphon money from vulnerable Ghanaians for his extravagant life style. He has turned himself into an artiste who stages performances in UK and the rest of Europe in the name of God for a huge fee, and even goes to the extent of fighting organizers if his charges are not met. It took the swift intervention of the police in London to avert an open confrontation between him and a gentleman called David Myles who organized one of such shows for him which attracted a low patronage. What has his holy anointing honey and salt brought to his followers. For Owusu Bempa to say Prophet T B Joshua preaches on barefoot should tell everyone he has no knowledge about T B Joshua, Was T B Joshua preaching on barefoot on EMMANUAL TV which he claimed to be watching before God revealed it to him that he is the Anti Christ? People of God once again, T B Joshua never preaches on barefoot so what is Owusu Bempa talking about, The Bible says no spirit speaking from God will say Jesus be cursed. T B Joshua openly confesses JESUS day in and out on EMMANUEL TV because he has nothing to hide. Our lord Jesus made it emphatically clear that if you are not for me then you are against us. For him to lie against a man of God means he is of the devil’s generation because Jesus again said “you are of the devil your father because he first lied from the beginning”. By their deeds you shall know them and from the abundance in the heart the mouth speaks. In other words the life style and utterances of the two should help us draw disparity as to who is under the covering of God and who is not.

On humanitarian grounds T B Joshua gives much as he earns to the poor and needy as charity yearly. Apart from the individual assistance, he has touched the school for the blind, the Psychiatric Hospital, Help Age Ghana, the Prisons and other remote villages in Ghana with his benevolence, whiles Owusu Bempa is a master tactician when it comes to taking 3 to 4 times offering under the pretence of effecting special prayers which attract special fee, apart from wrecking the pocket of unsuspecting Ghanaians who visit him in search of solutions. He lavishes on women and rides in expensive cars and arrogantly lambasts men of God. How much does he give to charity? Has Owusu Bempa encountered the scriptures that say do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, for God will judge in you the same way as you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others? How dare you say to your brother, please let me take that speck out of your eye, when you have a log in your own eye? You hypocrite. Matthew 7-1-5. Or what about the word that says “let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the Harvesters: first collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn. If Owusu Bempa wants to carry himself as the “Spiritual Watch Dog” over this nation and not a coward he should help us with the names of the fake pastors in this nation. Secondly, when God revealed it to him that T B Joshua is the Anti Christ why didn’t he come out to tell the whole World about this revelation about T B Joshua but waited until the latter came to Ghana. Or is he someone who wants to capture the attention of the President at all cost with his fake prophesies, then am afraid, the President and the top politicians will rather visit T B Joshua and render his “419 Job” futile? Bempa is seeking to win the heart of the President by fair or foul means with his fake prophesies so that he can “Control” his affairs and give directives as to when the president should travel and not to, when to sleep and not to, who to associate with and not to, when to perform sacrifices and not to and when to pay fat offerings and tithe into his coffers. His association with 419ers (Fraudsters) and gangsters is no longer a secret. He was quite recently in the news accused of buying a stolen car from a renowned fraudster. In short, he is a full blown “Job Man” (fraudster).

It is therefore not surprising that after predicting the death of the President which has proven to be a false prophesy, he is now directing the President not to associate with T B Joshua else he will die, is this another prophecy from God or one of his desperate statement. Let me leave it to discerning minds to judge at this point. If he wants to use the name of T B Joshua to gain cheap popularity, then, I am glad to announce to him that his blasphemy and slanderous statements contributed to the masses that besieged the SCOAN Sunday service because Ghanaians are discerning and can read between the lines to know who is of God and who is not. Because of your arrogance very soon all your church members will desert you for the Synagogue Church; you are a disgrace to your members. Your behaviour is not different at all from the manifestations of a demon infested person who will arrogantly dramatize his way into oblivion. It will not surprise me if Bempa is one of the fake pastors in the country Kweku Bonsam the fetish priest threaten to expose, He does not bear the fruit of Christ at all. I will recommend he Nicodemously seeks the man of God for deliverance; else the demons that have possessed him will destroy him.

Let me make a wakeup call to the people of God in this nation to be wise as serpents, discern between T B Joshua and Owusu Bempa to know who is from God, and also rally behind the pillar of cloud that is currently leading the nation. I would like to use this piece to wish all who were caught up in the stampede that hit the church last Sunday speedy recovery and extend my condolences to the families of the deceased persons.

