Ghanaians need to vote for you be our President. We don't know what we are missing. We are wasting precious time on NDC and NPP.
Ghanaians need to vote for you be our President. We don't know what we are missing. We are wasting precious time on NDC and NPP.
Brother 11 years ago
I see no comments here. Why because the well thought out article is not interesting to us as a nation?
This is the best political discourse and yet we are not interested? We want the 'noise' and the insults? We should be ... read full comment
I see no comments here. Why because the well thought out article is not interesting to us as a nation?
This is the best political discourse and yet we are not interested? We want the 'noise' and the insults? We should be fishing for this kind of contributions with the few good policies that occasional come along to Consolidate them as national policies. In any case we do not need ideologies any more in modern Ghana. We need just development and this is one of the best paths. Thanks Elder for your positive contribution.
Abeeku Mensah 11 years ago
Paa Kwesi Ndoum: This is quite surprising because I expected more from you. It seems most of you political elite and or educated elite in Ghana truly have lost all foresight, reasoning and the ability to learn from history, ... read full comment
Paa Kwesi Ndoum: This is quite surprising because I expected more from you. It seems most of you political elite and or educated elite in Ghana truly have lost all foresight, reasoning and the ability to learn from history, facts and or from experiences. In most of the Asian cultures, there has been justification for what it is parents do. For example, the respective cultures prefer males to females while the ideal of owning a family home is of prime importance because of population size relative to land size and family living arrangements. These issues coupled with societal acceptance of the best jobs going to its best educated drives parents and students alike to be the best in their class or school. The national governments while corrupt at times and dictatorial have always had the common sense to leave as many a legacy of improvements in some portion of the economy; in housing, land reforms, infrastructure improvements and or in social changes. One cannot also forget about the role the larger global community plays in advances in nations of the world. The shear population numbers in most Asian countries do imply there is bound to be more highly intelligent people than a nation like Ghana; it’s a simple undeniable fact. For no one can dispute that there are more intelligent people in Nigeria (with a population of some 50million) than Ghana with 23+ million. The preferences for other races of people than those of African ancestry also has its role in the acceptance of Asians into most Western nations where they are bound to learn and acquire more skills form an even more successful and advanced nations.
In each of these Asian and or developed nations, the governments do improve the very structures of school buildings to provide needed tools and environment for studies of school children. What we have in Ghana has been the display of tribal foolishness over common sense, display of selfishness over community and love of tribe and or political party over nation. In the USA and Western European nations where most of Ghana’s educated elite obtained their postgraduate credentials, there has been preference of Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans), South Americans, Indians you name it over the African skin which helps as people of those preferred nations gain closer proximity to fields of research and development more likely closed to those of African ancestry by design or by numbers of qualified applicants intertwined with population numbers.
What Ghana needs now is investment in the very buildings we call school buildings. Paa Kwesi, America’s development boom era came after the 2nd World War mostly through its ability to build homes worthy of humans and schools worthy of its school age children. Free schools and free meals for the poor came later. Get a grip and promote the alternate idea that for the next 20 years, Ghana must renovate each and every elementary school and or secondary schools in Ghana even as we try to add more secondary schools. For I promise you, Paa Kwesi Nduom, that it is when the students coming out of elementary schools into our secondary schools are well versed in knowledge and application of subjects learned that the products coming out of secondary schools into Ghana's universities will be polished and ready for advances studies. No amount of free education with inferior buildings and teachers will do for you and all the other blockheads in Ghana.
Ghanaians need to vote for you be our President. We don't know what we are missing. We are wasting precious time on NDC and NPP.
I see no comments here. Why because the well thought out article is not interesting to us as a nation?
This is the best political discourse and yet we are not interested? We want the 'noise' and the insults? We should be ...
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Paa Kwesi Ndoum: This is quite surprising because I expected more from you. It seems most of you political elite and or educated elite in Ghana truly have lost all foresight, reasoning and the ability to learn from history, ...
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