The picture has been painted as if corruption started in Arthur Mills and Mahama's administration,it must be made clear that it started earlier than that.Being of a gentle nature is not a criteria to judge effectiveness,usual ... read full comment
The picture has been painted as if corruption started in Arthur Mills and Mahama's administration,it must be made clear that it started earlier than that.Being of a gentle nature is not a criteria to judge effectiveness,usually people of gentle nature are tough underneath.One can argue that the Mahama administration has been the one administration that has actually being tough on corruption and the fight against the malaise is still ongoing.We can only judge him with time.
Akuffo Addo had been hobnobbing with the church,mosque and synagogue for sometime now and he has no doubt that he will win many converts from the church.So his latest attempt at becoming a Bishop is interesting but not surprising.On the face of it,it may look opportunistic but you can not underestimate him.He knows exactly what he is doing.
The man is as cunning as the fox, so he recognizes traps and knows how to avoid them.The wolf they say is not only predatory but lays snarls for the unwitting too so underestimate him at your peril.
The Ndc must know they are operating against a determined man who wants power at all cost and would not mind what it takes to get him there.If becoming a Bishop will help with his chances even if metaphorically,why not.
K. Boateng 10 years ago
We know "Lawyer" Akuffo Addo and his Smarty NPP cabal did not participate in the crafting and writing of Ghana's constitution because they said they were too big, too smart and too important to sit in the same room with commo ... read full comment
We know "Lawyer" Akuffo Addo and his Smarty NPP cabal did not participate in the crafting and writing of Ghana's constitution because they said they were too big, too smart and too important to sit in the same room with common farmers, common fisherfolks, common hair dressers, common teachers, etc.
Someone should therefore point out to "Bishop Obinim" Akuffo Addo a portion of Ghana's constitution that says that the country practices REPUBLICAN DEMOCRACY and not THEOLOGICAL Government!
Desperation has taken the better part of this man; pathetic
Kwame Rought 10 years ago
is this your new anti-Akufo Addoism!
is this your new anti-Akufo Addoism!
K. Boateng 10 years ago
is that your best? to trail me? what a pathetic soul.
is that your best? to trail me? what a pathetic soul.
Future Judge 10 years ago
You have said it all. A dynamic leader is what you have just defined for us. Bravo!!!
You have said it all. A dynamic leader is what you have just defined for us. Bravo!!!
Kojo T 10 years ago
Nana Ghana is a SECULAR country . Christians, Muslims, Budhists and Pagans like myself .Spare us the bull Then which Bishop? Catholic, Anglican or these apolostic Churches .Presbyterrians do not have Bishops and the 7th day ... read full comment
Nana Ghana is a SECULAR country . Christians, Muslims, Budhists and Pagans like myself .Spare us the bull Then which Bishop? Catholic, Anglican or these apolostic Churches .Presbyterrians do not have Bishops and the 7th day Adventists.Judaists will hate you
Teacher 10 years ago
And people like Kofi Ata supply them all too often.
If Kofi Ata wants to write on good leadership and fighting corruption why can't he just grab his balls and directly discuss the issue?
What has Akufo-Addo figurativel ... read full comment
And people like Kofi Ata supply them all too often.
If Kofi Ata wants to write on good leadership and fighting corruption why can't he just grab his balls and directly discuss the issue?
What has Akufo-Addo figuratively saying he will be a bishop got to do with it?
And the worst of it are the many people commenting on it!
Only on ghanaweb.
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 10 years ago
Okonko Palm, I did not in any way suggest that corruption is a recent phenomenon in Ghana. I saw the Generals Acheampong and Akufo days. Corruption is as old as society itself and it's everywhere, except that in some societie ... read full comment
Okonko Palm, I did not in any way suggest that corruption is a recent phenomenon in Ghana. I saw the Generals Acheampong and Akufo days. Corruption is as old as society itself and it's everywhere, except that in some societies they are good at dealing with the culprits when caught.
I totally disagree with you that Mahama's government has been the one that has fought and still fighting corruption. We hear about corruption more often because of development in and accessibility to IT such as Whatsapp, social media and increasing media activities in Ghana.
When it comes to the fight against corruption, President Mahama in his State of the Nation's address in 2013, promised to do something about the huge public wage bill. Since then it has become crystal clear that, at least, a third of the public wage bill could be on ghost names. Just days ago it was reported that the Educational Service has identified and removed about 40,000 ghost names from its pay roll. Have you heard anyone being sanctioned or punished for the 40,000 ghost names? Only those at the National Service Secretariat have been arrested.
Let's look at GYEEDA, SADA and Woyome corruption. The GYEEDA/SADA trials are going no where and after following the trial through the media reports, it is obvious that the State is more likely to fail. If it fails, I will blame Mahama and his Attorney General because they did not do a good job. That is not an indication of someone determined to or fighting corruption. Regrading the Woyome illegal judgement debt payments, has the money been refunded as ordered by the Supreme Court? No. Instead Woyome is being tried in a case that Woyome will win. How can the trial be genuine when the major players such as Betty Mould Iddrisu, Mr Samuel Neequaye-Tetteh and others were not called by the State as prosecuting witnesses. Is that a commitment to fighting corruption? With the GYEEDA/SADA funds wrongly paid to businesses under fraudulent contracts that were never delivered have also not been collected. In effect, those companies have been given huge interest free loans by the state through corruption and now being asked to pay over time. Last but not the least, President Mahama abused his position to let those who looted funds for the World Cup to go free by establishing a presidential commission so that those found to have misused public funds could not be tried under the Ghana@50 High Court ruling.
Mahama is pretending to be fighting corruption but in reality, he is worst than a Bishop. He does not want to offend anyone. Even he cannot dismiss his appointees when they have failed. He chose to set up a new ministry for power instead of sacking the Energy Minister. When he appeared to have dismissed the MD of Electricity Company of Ghana, he caved in when workers threatened to go on strike and said he wants to reassign him to the new ministry of power. The man who is mismanaging electricity supply and cannot even handle the 'dumsor' schedule efficiently is now being posted to deal with national policy on power. What a joke? That is the Bishop leadership mentality that I was pointing out to Nana Akufo-Addo.
LONTO-BOY 10 years ago
MASSA KOFI, may be, you took Nana Akufo-Addo's response and words too literally. Do you really think Nana Akufo-Addo wants to become a Bishop? I think the Most Rev. Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo, the Anglican Bishop of Kumasi ... read full comment
MASSA KOFI, may be, you took Nana Akufo-Addo's response and words too literally. Do you really think Nana Akufo-Addo wants to become a Bishop? I think the Most Rev. Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo, the Anglican Bishop of Kumasi, paid Nana Akufo-Addo a tribute about his Christian faith, "pastoral care" and his acts of kindness carried out throughout his political career. Of course, you have to understand the influence of religion in Ghana's elections, and how Nana Akufo-Addo was trying to appeal to Christian voters at that moment.
Truth 10 years ago
Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher prac ... read full comment
Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher practical and secular ones
Truth 10 years ago
Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher prac ... read full comment
Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher practical and secular ones
Baffour Agyemang 10 years ago
Yes Kofi took Akuffo Addo's response too literally however Nana's Thanksgiving rallies and courtesy calls are already too much and is now becoming excess baggage. Nana has been and is still making too much friends which may ... read full comment
Yes Kofi took Akuffo Addo's response too literally however Nana's Thanksgiving rallies and courtesy calls are already too much and is now becoming excess baggage. Nana has been and is still making too much friends which may not be good for him should he be voted president.
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 10 years ago
Good morning LONTO-BOY. I did state that he was responding to a specific request as well as his choice of words reflecting the environment he found himself and therefore, I did not take his being a Bishop literally.In fact, I ... read full comment
Good morning LONTO-BOY. I did state that he was responding to a specific request as well as his choice of words reflecting the environment he found himself and therefore, I did not take his being a Bishop literally.In fact, I specifically avoided the use of the word theocracy as the form of government a Bishop Nana Akufo-Addo will lead.
I believe I am still more Ghanaian than British and therefore understood being asked to lead like a Bishop meant in Ghanaian terms. That meant "fama nyame". That is what the late Attah Mills did. My worry is that Nana Akufo-Addo may fall into that same trap and allow criminals to get away with murder if he becomes president as some religious leaders are now urging him to rule with the heart of a Bishop. It's not only a rallying call on Nana Akufo-Addo to forgive those who have offended him but also not to punish wrong doing. Remember, it was alleged that the late Attah Mills was under the influence of a Nigerian Bishop at the Castle.
The Ghanaian concept of pastoral care and acts of kindness also mean "fama nyame", do not punish or forgive. That is the point I was driving at and the dangers in such approach to leaderships and governance. The NDC will wholeheartedly welcome such an approach when in opposition. Whilst, I am not calling for a witch hunt of former public officials, I want the create, loot and share corruption to be addressed through accountability under the rule of law. Unfortunately, I am of the view that a leader with the characteristics of a Bishop cannot do that.
KOLA ,LONDON PROPER 10 years ago
corrupt officials should never go free.
corrupt officials should never go free. 10 years ago
A young bishop is visiting Texas for a conference. While there, a fellow clergyman recommends a diner to stop at on the way back
He takes the advice, and decides to grab himself a steak on the journey. He goes in, sits down, ... read full comment
A young bishop is visiting Texas for a conference. While there, a fellow clergyman recommends a diner to stop at on the way back
He takes the advice, and decides to grab himself a steak on the journey. He goes in, sits down, and waits for his order to be taken.
Finally, a waitress comes over. He says ?Hi, one steak please, rare?. She says ?Ok? then yells over her shoulder towards the kitchen ?ONE BLOODY STEAK!?.
The bishop says ?I?m sorry ma?am, but I am a Bishop and cursing like that offends me. She replies ?Oh no, I wasn?t swearing. I was telling the chef how to do the steak ? bloody? The bishop decides it?s ok
A few months later, our friend the Bishop is back in Texas, but this time with a group of priests, acting as their guide. Since the steak he had last time was so good, he says ?Ok guys, I?m taking you all out to eat. This place does the best steaks ever?
So they go in, sit, and when the waitress comes over, the Bishop says ?7 Bloody steaks please?
A young priest hears this, and pipes up ?Yeah, and plenty of fucking chips!?
KOFFI 10 years ago
The Rev. Professor was only admonishing Nana Akuffo Addo to cultivate the virtues of Bishop and Nana's response was only to assure him of his readiness to cultivate those virtues. This,in no way suggests that Akuffo Addo is g ... read full comment
The Rev. Professor was only admonishing Nana Akuffo Addo to cultivate the virtues of Bishop and Nana's response was only to assure him of his readiness to cultivate those virtues. This,in no way suggests that Akuffo Addo is going to wear the Clerical of Bishops.
Mr. Kofi Atta of Cambridge, this is purely matter of language and does not mean Akuffo Addo wants to change course
K. Boateng 10 years ago
Akuffo Addo's response shows he is an opportunist playing to the gallery. I don't think Kofi Ata takes Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo's response in its literal sense but its political undertone and concomitant hypocritical attem ... read full comment
Akuffo Addo's response shows he is an opportunist playing to the gallery. I don't think Kofi Ata takes Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo's response in its literal sense but its political undertone and concomitant hypocritical attempt to sway the minds of Christians to his side, without meaning to do the good that he espoused to do at that moment. It's only the mundane who will think that vindictive, militant, polarizing and tribalist Akuffo Addo will be a president of good heart.
Kwame Rought 10 years ago
You are full of it, but can't even write well.
You are full of it, but can't even write well.
K. Boateng 10 years ago
Thanks for reading what I couldn't write well. Is Akadu able to spell THOUSAND now?
Thanks for reading what I couldn't write well. Is Akadu able to spell THOUSAND now?
Oku 10 years ago
Your hate really consumes you, God almighty!
Your hate really consumes you, God almighty!
K. Boateng 10 years ago
Mr. what is your motivation for changing your name in order to trail me on cyberspace and to jump from all the other contributors to respond what I wrote? Is that your love for me or hatred? You're not only a hate filled cari ... read full comment
Mr. what is your motivation for changing your name in order to trail me on cyberspace and to jump from all the other contributors to respond what I wrote? Is that your love for me or hatred? You're not only a hate filled caricature but also a coward with your tail between your legs, else you would have identified yourself without assuming a Ga name. By the way, what makes you conclude that denouncing Akuffo Addo's hypcorisy, lies and deceptions amount to hate? Does it mean that Akuffo Addo also hate John Mahama for always attacking him? It's only the uninformed NPP characters like you who think differing politically amounts to hatred. Your political horizon needs to be opened wider. You can change your name and trail me to my house and that will be your own headache because I'll always subject whatever Akuffo Addo says and does under the radar and denounce, renounce and reject his tenuous posturing.
Have a nice weekend.
Asomah Bonsu 10 years ago
Kofi Atta and Co., don't worry yourselves over this bloated goon called Akufo-Addo.
All over the years, this Akufo-Addo has made public utterances and postured in several demeaning ways to detract from his standing. I have ... read full comment
Kofi Atta and Co., don't worry yourselves over this bloated goon called Akufo-Addo.
All over the years, this Akufo-Addo has made public utterances and postured in several demeaning ways to detract from his standing. I have all along questioned a lot about him and concluded that he is not well-cut-out to be what he is avidly looking for; that is, to become Ghana's "president "at all costs". He will do so at his personal risk. No elaboration.
From what he has said to shoot himself in the foot and all the hooliganism being carried out by the attack "dogs" doing his bidding, he is only setting himself up for something very unpleasant. Does he really know what awaits him? At almost 72 years, he should be treading carefully instead of doing so arrogantly and mindlessly as he is doing even in his own party and outside it.
I have no doubt in my mind that he is setting himself up for a deadly outcome. When he comes face-to-face with that outcome, he will learn how not to leap before stopping and looking!!
K. Boateng 10 years ago
Good observation, and thanks for putting out so succinctly. The facts is that, this Mr. Nana Akuffo Addo guy never means what he says in public and never says what he means. He thinks all Ghanaians are gullible like his yahoo ... read full comment
Good observation, and thanks for putting out so succinctly. The facts is that, this Mr. Nana Akuffo Addo guy never means what he says in public and never says what he means. He thinks all Ghanaians are gullible like his yahoo party followers who follow him like the proverbial sheep being led to the slaughter house. He can deceive his followers and cause mayhem in his party but he can do those foxy things to all Ghanaians.
Samuel Ansah,New York 10 years ago
Mr UK guy, thanks.There is a saying that a drowning man will even cling to a straw thinking that can save him. In desperation Akufo Addo is saying anything that he feels can make win the 2016 election. About corruption it par ... read full comment
Mr UK guy, thanks.There is a saying that a drowning man will even cling to a straw thinking that can save him. In desperation Akufo Addo is saying anything that he feels can make win the 2016 election. About corruption it part and parcel of all politicians since Kwame Nkrumah's time to date. It's embedded in the society -traditional rulers,in the churches where it's visible in their leaders, top and middle level managements in the public and civil services,hospitals,schools,district assemblies,ports ,revenue collection agencies among others. So Mr UK guy it's not only NDC and NPP governments that are corrupt ;the whole system is rotten.
Mensah 10 years ago
your stupid insults and vain propaganda won't win you power in 2016; your stealing galore and incompetence are all clear for Ghanaians to judge you with come 2016
your stupid insults and vain propaganda won't win you power in 2016; your stealing galore and incompetence are all clear for Ghanaians to judge you with come 2016
Bing 10 years ago
Is this a threat or another faceless, namby pamby, afforded anonymity by the Internet and spewing cowardice.
Is this a threat or another faceless, namby pamby, afforded anonymity by the Internet and spewing cowardice.
Prof Lungu 10 years ago
Maybe we should also castigate the so-called "'Most Rev." Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo.
Seems to me that man ought to know the difference too: let him keep his faith in his church, to his followers, and allow our secular ... read full comment
Maybe we should also castigate the so-called "'Most Rev." Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo.
Seems to me that man ought to know the difference too: let him keep his faith in his church, to his followers, and allow our secular leaders to lead with reason, logic, data, and objective knowledge.
After all, Ghana is a democracy, not a theocracy!
More important, one does not have to be a "Bishop" to weed out "ghost names on the public pay roll" and arrest the culprits; or to arrest corrupt custom officials.
But yes, you have a point with that fundamental failing of Prof Mills. You do not make wise public policy holding the Bible, or any other religious text, for the matter.
Words matter, and Ghana's leaders, including those who aspire to be Ghana's leader, need to be more reflective and critical!
Point well-made, Kofi Ata!
Kofi London 10 years ago
Who is this stupid guy who calls himself Prof Lungu. His political affiliation has taken the better part of the brain that reason appropriately. Could someone offer him medical attention please. He lacks what some people call ... read full comment
Who is this stupid guy who calls himself Prof Lungu. His political affiliation has taken the better part of the brain that reason appropriately. Could someone offer him medical attention please. He lacks what some people called "logical reasoning". His brains appears to have diminished in that accident some years back. Please seek medical attention.
Sammy Atlanta, USA 10 years ago
Kofi this time you miss the object. I am really surprised of your article of what Nana said. Even we the lower graduates understand this simple phrase used by Nana here. Look at this sayings by our former Prime Minister( If y ... read full comment
Kofi this time you miss the object. I am really surprised of your article of what Nana said. Even we the lower graduates understand this simple phrase used by Nana here. Look at this sayings by our former Prime Minister( If you have nothing to do, don't do it here) It is over to you Kofi.
Prof Lungu 10 years ago
Prof Lungu!
Prof Lungu!
Kweku kumasi 10 years ago
Only God is called Reverend but they call themselves to extent most Reverend. God have mercy on them.
Only God is called Reverend but they call themselves to extent most Reverend. God have mercy on them.
freddie 10 years ago
For sake of becoming president akufo addo would say anything you want him to say. He is just like that president by all means.
For sake of becoming president akufo addo would say anything you want him to say. He is just like that president by all means.
Mike frm Ho. 10 years ago
Kofi aggry TOTALLY with you. It is this father for all thing which institutionalised and legalised corruption in Ghana today. That is we are where we are today. Failure to punish crime on the erroneous pretence of "father for ... read full comment
Kofi aggry TOTALLY with you. It is this father for all thing which institutionalised and legalised corruption in Ghana today. That is we are where we are today. Failure to punish crime on the erroneous pretence of "father for all" It is a VERY BAD GOVERNANCE by the Mills administration. The destroyed Ghana.
Kwame Rought 10 years ago
His was a facetious aside to Bishop's response.
His was a facetious aside to Bishop's response.
HON. SAM 10 years ago
Ask yourself:which diocese is Nana Addo going to be a bishop?
The gist of the statementhe made was to "have a big heart like a bishop."
People like you and Koo Boateng,who is now all over the place,are always looking fo ... read full comment
Ask yourself:which diocese is Nana Addo going to be a bishop?
The gist of the statementhe made was to "have a big heart like a bishop."
People like you and Koo Boateng,who is now all over the place,are always looking for every tiny flaw that you could find in Nana Addo's nature,and would,therefore,take his reply literally and condemn him.
eak 10 years ago
ur conclusion that "Ghanaians want a president not a Bishop "is not credible. this is what.u want. for me I want a Bishop president.
ur conclusion that "Ghanaians want a president not a Bishop "is not credible. this is what.u want. for me I want a Bishop president.
Gyata 10 years ago
The ugly dwarf is now a Bishop. Apuuu.
The ugly dwarf is now a Bishop. Apuuu.
Bomfaboy 10 years ago
Your understanding of a Bishop is very defective. It seem your mind has been clouded by what you see going on in Ghana, with the one man churches, who are accountable yo no one. I believe the use of 'Bishop" by Akuffo-Addo wa ... read full comment
Your understanding of a Bishop is very defective. It seem your mind has been clouded by what you see going on in Ghana, with the one man churches, who are accountable yo no one. I believe the use of 'Bishop" by Akuffo-Addo was metaphoric, indicating a leader, who will listen to his pastors and priests, and ready to crack the whip. I do not think he was talking about forming a church, and not thinking about preaching "prosperity in a vacuum" as is done by one man church Bishops. When a priest has not gone through the mill, and then call himself such brings shame in the name of God, as you pointed out and named names. Surely Akuffo-Addo has gone through the political Mill, and should know, and expected of him to be strong, serious and committed in governance.
Prof Mills failed because, and he did not have clout in his own party, and was dwarfed by the hierarchy. The same way Mahama is failing.
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 10 years ago
Bomfaboy, tell me which Bishop has cracked the whip? I do not know where you are but have you heard about the child abuses by priests and Bishops in the Anglican and Catholic faith? Did the Bishops not cover up the abuses by ... read full comment
Bomfaboy, tell me which Bishop has cracked the whip? I do not know where you are but have you heard about the child abuses by priests and Bishops in the Anglican and Catholic faith? Did the Bishops not cover up the abuses by either transferring those involved or refused to make the appropriate authorities aware? Even the Vatican covered up for them.
Cisco 10 years ago
It must be a slow news day......
It must be a slow news day......
Bechemniiba(Paris) 10 years ago
What is the meaning of Bishop?
Bishop simply means an "elder" or deacon. So Mr Akuffo-Addo want to assure
you and me that when he becomes the next President of Ghana he will rule the nation as one who is matured in ghana ... read full comment
What is the meaning of Bishop?
Bishop simply means an "elder" or deacon. So Mr Akuffo-Addo want to assure
you and me that when he becomes the next President of Ghana he will rule the nation as one who is matured in ghana and international politics. A President of Africa must behave like a
respectable elder ,not the fake elders we are seeing today in most ghanaian churches.How do most ghanaian churches choose their deacons which is equal to a bishop or an elder? Let us wish him all the best of Luck because he really mean business.Ghana need a good elder whom
the outside world can listen to his plea.
Kweku kumasi 10 years ago
How can Nana Addo who is not accountable of Ministry of foreign affairs and left office into ashes also holds partners in crime accountable.
How can Nana Addo who is not accountable of Ministry of foreign affairs and left office into ashes also holds partners in crime accountable.
KKO 10 years ago
I think this time you got it completely wrong, even for the specific question, and you have therefore been unfair to both the Rev Minister and Nana Akufo-Addo!
"in his life, robbed himself in cassock" First of all i ... read full comment
I think this time you got it completely wrong, even for the specific question, and you have therefore been unfair to both the Rev Minister and Nana Akufo-Addo!
"in his life, robbed himself in cassock" First of all in the Church this word is "robed" not robbed!
Secondly, Nana Addo was responding to the minister's entreaty about the internal NPP contest during which people said and wrote all kinds of things about Nana's person. It was for people like that that the minister wanted him to be forgiving like a Bishop. It had nothing to do with Ghana.
Kufuor and Mills, and now Mahama, condoned corruption because they were hamstrung because they either benefited from it or were sponsored by the perpetrators. The Woyome, SADA, GYEEDA, etc, were all looted to finance Election 2012. That is why Mahama cannot open the Pandora's box!
It is exactly why I believe that the state should begin to fund elections in Ghana, with a cap on what any individual or party can spend in any election/bye-election!
Kofi Kofi 10 years ago
I could not fathom how the writer could interpret the discourse between Akufo Addo and the Bishop,something intended to be on the lighter side, into such a serious headache for himself.You can choose to live in the UK till yo ... read full comment
I could not fathom how the writer could interpret the discourse between Akufo Addo and the Bishop,something intended to be on the lighter side, into such a serious headache for himself.You can choose to live in the UK till you die; who cares.
ghanaian first 10 years ago
Kofi wake up and be real
Nana wanting to be like a bishop does not mean he is going to be an ordained bishop. Get your balls out of your fucking mouth and start cleaning yoio teeth for your breath stinks. Hh
Kofi wake up and be real
Nana wanting to be like a bishop does not mean he is going to be an ordained bishop. Get your balls out of your fucking mouth and start cleaning yoio teeth for your breath stinks. Hh
Tony. London 10 years ago
Kofi, I did not see anything that Nana said to suggest that he wants to be a Bishop. No. The Bishop advised/suggested that to be a head of state he, Nana, needs to have a big heart like a Bishop. Nana said he will be a Bishop ... read full comment
Kofi, I did not see anything that Nana said to suggest that he wants to be a Bishop. No. The Bishop advised/suggested that to be a head of state he, Nana, needs to have a big heart like a Bishop. Nana said he will be a Bishop implying that he, Nana, will have a big heart in his attempt to be a head of state or president for that matter.
Future Judge 10 years ago
You have said it all. A dynamic leader is all we need.. you have actually defined the leader we need. Bravo!
You have said it all. A dynamic leader is all we need.. you have actually defined the leader we need. Bravo!
kutsii 10 years ago
The problem of Nana Addo is that he is not himself. Rawlings was himself, not the Church going but Ghanaians voted for him. KUfuor was 50-50 , was himself and Ghanaians voted for him. Mills was church going, was himself and ... read full comment
The problem of Nana Addo is that he is not himself. Rawlings was himself, not the Church going but Ghanaians voted for him. KUfuor was 50-50 , was himself and Ghanaians voted for him. Mills was church going, was himself and Ghana liked him. Nana Addo is the guy guy type , arrogant and crook is, but he portrays himself as the humble and a saint. Visiting Jerusalem , sitting in a 'trotro ' eating with the publicans touching the wailing wall and all those pretences. Ghanaians are very discerning so they know Nana Addo is a HYPOCRITE. He should be himself. Smoke in public, fondle ladies breasts in public and stop all those pretenses. Nonsense
Friday 10 years ago
Yeah, the problems of Ghana today, especially in the area of corruption, are too serious to warrant a Bishop taking over the affairs of the country! The situation calls for a hard person who will confront the problems such th ... read full comment
Yeah, the problems of Ghana today, especially in the area of corruption, are too serious to warrant a Bishop taking over the affairs of the country! The situation calls for a hard person who will confront the problems such that all the thieves will be smoked out and punished appropriately without fear or favour.
The picture has been painted as if corruption started in Arthur Mills and Mahama's administration,it must be made clear that it started earlier than that.Being of a gentle nature is not a criteria to judge effectiveness,usual ...
read full comment
We know "Lawyer" Akuffo Addo and his Smarty NPP cabal did not participate in the crafting and writing of Ghana's constitution because they said they were too big, too smart and too important to sit in the same room with commo ...
read full comment
is this your new anti-Akufo Addoism!
is that your best? to trail me? what a pathetic soul.
read full comment
You have said it all. A dynamic leader is what you have just defined for us. Bravo!!!
Nana Ghana is a SECULAR country . Christians, Muslims, Budhists and Pagans like myself .Spare us the bull Then which Bishop? Catholic, Anglican or these apolostic Churches .Presbyterrians do not have Bishops and the 7th day ...
read full comment
And people like Kofi Ata supply them all too often.
If Kofi Ata wants to write on good leadership and fighting corruption why can't he just grab his balls and directly discuss the issue?
What has Akufo-Addo figurativel ...
read full comment
Okonko Palm, I did not in any way suggest that corruption is a recent phenomenon in Ghana. I saw the Generals Acheampong and Akufo days. Corruption is as old as society itself and it's everywhere, except that in some societie ...
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MASSA KOFI, may be, you took Nana Akufo-Addo's response and words too literally. Do you really think Nana Akufo-Addo wants to become a Bishop? I think the Most Rev. Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo, the Anglican Bishop of Kumasi ...
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Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher prac ...
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Kofi You just created a hypothetical issue and then created this article on it. You took it literally. Do you think Akuffo-Addo will be ordained as a Bishop? He would have the qualities of a Bishop in addition to orher prac ...
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Yes Kofi took Akuffo Addo's response too literally however Nana's Thanksgiving rallies and courtesy calls are already too much and is now becoming excess baggage. Nana has been and is still making too much friends which may ...
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Good morning LONTO-BOY. I did state that he was responding to a specific request as well as his choice of words reflecting the environment he found himself and therefore, I did not take his being a Bishop literally.In fact, I ...
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corrupt officials should never go free.
A young bishop is visiting Texas for a conference. While there, a fellow clergyman recommends a diner to stop at on the way back
He takes the advice, and decides to grab himself a steak on the journey. He goes in, sits down, ...
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The Rev. Professor was only admonishing Nana Akuffo Addo to cultivate the virtues of Bishop and Nana's response was only to assure him of his readiness to cultivate those virtues. This,in no way suggests that Akuffo Addo is g ...
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Akuffo Addo's response shows he is an opportunist playing to the gallery. I don't think Kofi Ata takes Mr. Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo's response in its literal sense but its political undertone and concomitant hypocritical attem ...
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You are full of it, but can't even write well.
Thanks for reading what I couldn't write well. Is Akadu able to spell THOUSAND now?
Your hate really consumes you, God almighty!
Mr. what is your motivation for changing your name in order to trail me on cyberspace and to jump from all the other contributors to respond what I wrote? Is that your love for me or hatred? You're not only a hate filled cari ...
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Kofi Atta and Co., don't worry yourselves over this bloated goon called Akufo-Addo.
All over the years, this Akufo-Addo has made public utterances and postured in several demeaning ways to detract from his standing. I have ...
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Good observation, and thanks for putting out so succinctly. The facts is that, this Mr. Nana Akuffo Addo guy never means what he says in public and never says what he means. He thinks all Ghanaians are gullible like his yahoo ...
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Mr UK guy, thanks.There is a saying that a drowning man will even cling to a straw thinking that can save him. In desperation Akufo Addo is saying anything that he feels can make win the 2016 election. About corruption it par ...
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your stupid insults and vain propaganda won't win you power in 2016; your stealing galore and incompetence are all clear for Ghanaians to judge you with come 2016
Is this a threat or another faceless, namby pamby, afforded anonymity by the Internet and spewing cowardice.
Maybe we should also castigate the so-called "'Most Rev." Professor Daniel Yinkah-Sarfo.
Seems to me that man ought to know the difference too: let him keep his faith in his church, to his followers, and allow our secular ...
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Who is this stupid guy who calls himself Prof Lungu. His political affiliation has taken the better part of the brain that reason appropriately. Could someone offer him medical attention please. He lacks what some people call ...
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Kofi this time you miss the object. I am really surprised of your article of what Nana said. Even we the lower graduates understand this simple phrase used by Nana here. Look at this sayings by our former Prime Minister( If y ...
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Prof Lungu!
Only God is called Reverend but they call themselves to extent most Reverend. God have mercy on them.
For sake of becoming president akufo addo would say anything you want him to say. He is just like that president by all means.
Kofi aggry TOTALLY with you. It is this father for all thing which institutionalised and legalised corruption in Ghana today. That is we are where we are today. Failure to punish crime on the erroneous pretence of "father for ...
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His was a facetious aside to Bishop's response.
Ask yourself:which diocese is Nana Addo going to be a bishop?
The gist of the statementhe made was to "have a big heart like a bishop."
People like you and Koo Boateng,who is now all over the place,are always looking fo ...
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ur conclusion that "Ghanaians want a president not a Bishop "is not credible. this is what.u want. for me I want a Bishop president.
The ugly dwarf is now a Bishop. Apuuu.
Your understanding of a Bishop is very defective. It seem your mind has been clouded by what you see going on in Ghana, with the one man churches, who are accountable yo no one. I believe the use of 'Bishop" by Akuffo-Addo wa ...
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Bomfaboy, tell me which Bishop has cracked the whip? I do not know where you are but have you heard about the child abuses by priests and Bishops in the Anglican and Catholic faith? Did the Bishops not cover up the abuses by ...
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It must be a slow news day......
What is the meaning of Bishop?
Bishop simply means an "elder" or deacon. So Mr Akuffo-Addo want to assure
you and me that when he becomes the next President of Ghana he will rule the nation as one who is matured in ghana ...
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How can Nana Addo who is not accountable of Ministry of foreign affairs and left office into ashes also holds partners in crime accountable.
I think this time you got it completely wrong, even for the specific question, and you have therefore been unfair to both the Rev Minister and Nana Akufo-Addo!
"in his life, robbed himself in cassock" First of all i ...
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I could not fathom how the writer could interpret the discourse between Akufo Addo and the Bishop,something intended to be on the lighter side, into such a serious headache for himself.You can choose to live in the UK till yo ...
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Kofi wake up and be real
Nana wanting to be like a bishop does not mean he is going to be an ordained bishop. Get your balls out of your fucking mouth and start cleaning yoio teeth for your breath stinks. Hh
Kofi, I did not see anything that Nana said to suggest that he wants to be a Bishop. No. The Bishop advised/suggested that to be a head of state he, Nana, needs to have a big heart like a Bishop. Nana said he will be a Bishop ...
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You have said it all. A dynamic leader is all we need.. you have actually defined the leader we need. Bravo!
The problem of Nana Addo is that he is not himself. Rawlings was himself, not the Church going but Ghanaians voted for him. KUfuor was 50-50 , was himself and Ghanaians voted for him. Mills was church going, was himself and ...
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Yeah, the problems of Ghana today, especially in the area of corruption, are too serious to warrant a Bishop taking over the affairs of the country! The situation calls for a hard person who will confront the problems such th ...
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