Nkrumah used our money to educate most of these leaders hence this. Instead of focusing on developing his new nation, he went on a wild goose chase to unite an entire continent at time he knows was "impossible".
What did M ... read full comment
Nkrumah used our money to educate most of these leaders hence this. Instead of focusing on developing his new nation, he went on a wild goose chase to unite an entire continent at time he knows was "impossible".
What did Mugabe said about Ghana? All of them got free education at our expense then what? The problems we are facing today was the mistake our first leader did in the past.
I careless who says what because if you have been elected as a leader of a new nation, you have to focus deep on how to come out with statutes or whatever for the new nation to stand the test of time. You do not have to come out with a strategy to rub shoulder with the "powers that be" because there is no way they will let you go free. As we speak today, we can't stand on our two legs let alone at that time in our early history.
Bob 9 years ago
Feature Article of Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Columnist: Kwarteng, Francis
Kwame Nkrumah: Heroes Beget Heroes
Mr. Sam Nujoma, the first president of Namibia, penned this beautiful essay in honor of Nkrumah, his mat ... read full comment
Feature Article of Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Columnist: Kwarteng, Francis
Kwame Nkrumah: Heroes Beget Heroes
Mr. Sam Nujoma, the first president of Namibia, penned this beautiful essay in honor of Nkrumah, his matchless achievements, legacy and continuing impact on the world.
Francis Kwarteng, you are a senseless pathetic nonentity, trust me.
Shabi 9 years ago
Trust these shameless and ignoble imperialist pimps to always make their bad odour felt in the presence and discussions of great and wise men.
Perhaps Pelicles, who does not seem to be abreast with the history of Africa an ... read full comment
Trust these shameless and ignoble imperialist pimps to always make their bad odour felt in the presence and discussions of great and wise men.
Perhaps Pelicles, who does not seem to be abreast with the history of Africa and the trends of global imperialism, needs to be belatedly informed that whichever way Africa and its leaders go, there will always be an attempt by global imperialism to ambush and overturn any effort at the least sign of meaningful progress.
It is not Kwame Nkrumah, nor Mugabe, nor Ghaddafi, nor socialism, nor dictators, nor corruption, nor Moslems that global global imperialism abhors. It is the specter of possible progress that any of these agents of change for the betterment of Africa bring with them, that they so despise and fear.
There are two known means by which global imperialism has succeeded in undermining the progress of Africa. The first is by continuously undermining and supplanting radical progressive leaders in all spheres of socio-economic activity. The second is by constraining vulnerable African nations, by subtle forms of duress - normally by economic blackmail, to uphold and pursue the unfeasible principles of the western multi-party capitalist system which is guaranteed to retard any meaningful attempts at progress and at best, return former colonies into a comatose state of neocolonialism.
For the information and attention of myopic minds like Pelicles, no aspiration worth fighting for in life, 'lies on the ground to be casually picked up at will'. Any accomplishment worth the vision that it inspires, comes with a price and nothing worth fighting for in life is free from resistance and evil impediments.
As others built pyramids which technology till today defy science, others traversed unknown seas to reach lands and people which were hitherto disconnected from their knowledge and understanding of the world. Yet, others confronted the odds and braved insurmountable odds to achieve what their dreams had led them to. Human beings are launched into outer space and onto the moon and beyond in the blind bid to discover anything that would be of any benefit for mankind.
Pelicles, Africa cannot continue to remain backward and sitting in one place with our hands between our laps and enduring eternal humiliation from others. Contrary to the retrogressive mindset of people like you, Kwame Nkrumah proved over 60 years ago that we can achieve more than what those we depend on today, have achieved, if we set our minds to it.
It is not only the colour of our skin that imperialists are paranoid about. Even more fanatical in their hatred for Africa is their absolute fear of the least sign of progress in Africa. Any such trends of progress in Africa signals a creeping end to their dictatorial domination of the world as it stands today. This presents a terrifying possibility for them which they cannot for one minute countenance. The continued survival and development of the western imperialist hegemony is totally dependent on the cheap exploitation of the resources of Africa - of course with the (imm)moral assistance of the likes of Pelicles who by his shameful statement above, seems to be perfectly well content living under the shadows, indignities and unfavorable conditions of our oppressors.
A struggle is not a struggle if one continues to whine about his own shortcomings with which to overcome the odds. Indeed, no army goes to war and compromises itself to the strengths of its enemies. Anyone who demoralizes himself against the toils and travails of progress is doomed to remain backward in his delusions of glorious serfdom.
Ben 9 years ago
Shabi, your comments are not making sense.
Shabi, your comments are not making sense.
Shabi 9 years ago
Ben Kojo T, who are those people?
Ben Kojo T, who are those people?
Abra Kuma 9 years ago
Only in hindsight would it seem as if had Nkrumah concentrated all Ghana's resources on developing our country, your suggested strategic move for our newly-independent nation might have paid off big time; however ... read full comment
Only in hindsight would it seem as if had Nkrumah concentrated all Ghana's resources on developing our country, your suggested strategic move for our newly-independent nation might have paid off big time; however, that argument is only valid, if one observes the situation of those days through a key hole, as it were. What I am saying is that there is a much bigger picture in terms of Ghana's socio-economic and political advancement to consider which is precisely what Nkrumah visualized. Subsequently, he tried to implement it knowing that his vision could not stand on firm footing, if Ghana were surrounded by countries still ruled by colonial powers who were ever ready to dictate to, threaten, and dis-stabilize us. Hence, the question was how does Ghana prevent imperialist interference and agitation? Answer: by simply and wisely enabling our neighboring brother and sister countries(yes, even by availing them resources)to also quickly wrestle independence from the clutches of their oppressors and also by forming a strong organization of African states with resources that will benefit all of Africa and prevent us from seeking help from a common enemy who will put the squeeze on us, if we should seek assistance from him.
Dear Pelicles, from what leaders and people who worked closely with him have to say about him, it is obvious Nkrumah had great love for us all and it is this love that opened his mind to progressive ideas he tried to implement. No, we do not forget he was human, therefore a man who also made mistakes; however, being Head of State, many mistakes made by others are also attributed to him. It is time we focus on the bigger picture. Let us unite.Together we cannot be defeated, divided we shall be conquered. That's what they do. Let us also be wise!
I hope this simple explanation helps.Thanks.
Bless Ghana! Bless Africa!
Shabi 9 years ago
"The lessons from the coup are many and varied, but it is important to note that the imperialist enemy, in its various chimera-like forms and shapes, is watching very closely what we are doing. If and when our ideas and actio ... read full comment
"The lessons from the coup are many and varied, but it is important to note that the imperialist enemy, in its various chimera-like forms and shapes, is watching very closely what we are doing. If and when our ideas and actions, even if these represent the will of the people, are perceived to be in conflict with those of the enemy, then the enemy shall go all out to destroy the prophets of the people. Unfortunately, in that process, our own people will be used as the tools to do the enemy's dirty work, and the enemy will declare shamelessly that "He was killed by his own people!"
Kojo T 9 years ago
Shabi, your English dosen't make sense.
Shabi, your English dosen't make sense.
Shabi 9 years ago
Oh, Im so sorry that you cannot understand my English. What a pity! But by the way, what school did you attend?
Oh, Im so sorry that you cannot understand my English. What a pity! But by the way, what school did you attend?
Prof Lungu 9 years ago
Shabi like you, he attended Shabi School of fools.
Shabi like you, he attended Shabi School of fools.
Shabi 9 years ago
You anti-Nkrumaist terrorists and imperialist boot-lickers are so shamelessly desperate that you would even go to the extent of stealing the monikers of those who have been whipping you intellectually, to try to cause confus ... read full comment
You anti-Nkrumaist terrorists and imperialist boot-lickers are so shamelessly desperate that you would even go to the extent of stealing the monikers of those who have been whipping you intellectually, to try to cause confusion. It wont work because I can smell a fool and an idiot from a mile away. Shame on you.
Kojo T 9 years ago
You are all house niggers who have been brain washed .Listen to the World Economic forum taking place in Beijing and you will see Nkrumah was a prophet I am the real Kojo T
You are all house niggers who have been brain washed .Listen to the World Economic forum taking place in Beijing and you will see Nkrumah was a prophet I am the real Kojo T
Prof Lungu 9 years ago
"...perhaps the most important practical contribution Ghana made to Namibia...was the fact that in 1966, Ghana's permanent representative to the UN proposed Resolution 2145, which effectively terminated the South Afr ... read full comment
"...perhaps the most important practical contribution Ghana made to Namibia...was the fact that in 1966, Ghana's permanent representative to the UN proposed Resolution 2145, which effectively terminated the South African mandate and placed South West Africa under the direct responsibility of the UN. This Resolution, sponsored by Ghana, was critical as it paved the way for the subsequent major political developments that ultimately culminated in the independence of Namibia on 21 March 1990..."
WE SAY: We imagine that was in January or February, before the overthrow!
To the point, that is another heroic record in the "Book of the Modern World", universal in scope, African in station!
YAW 9 years ago
Francis Kwarteng is simply re-fertilizing the landscape of Nkrumah"s legacy which was ruthlessly and viciously desecrated by the selfish and treasonous few. No wonder their descendants are bombarding us with a load of claptra ... read full comment
Francis Kwarteng is simply re-fertilizing the landscape of Nkrumah"s legacy which was ruthlessly and viciously desecrated by the selfish and treasonous few. No wonder their descendants are bombarding us with a load of claptrap under different monikers.
Nkrumah used our money to educate most of these leaders hence this. Instead of focusing on developing his new nation, he went on a wild goose chase to unite an entire continent at time he knows was "impossible".
What did M ...
read full comment
Feature Article of Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Columnist: Kwarteng, Francis
Kwame Nkrumah: Heroes Beget Heroes
Mr. Sam Nujoma, the first president of Namibia, penned this beautiful essay in honor of Nkrumah, his mat ...
read full comment
Trust these shameless and ignoble imperialist pimps to always make their bad odour felt in the presence and discussions of great and wise men.
Perhaps Pelicles, who does not seem to be abreast with the history of Africa an ...
read full comment
Shabi, your comments are not making sense.
Ben Kojo T, who are those people?
Only in hindsight would it seem as if had Nkrumah concentrated all Ghana's resources on developing our country, your suggested strategic move for our newly-independent nation might have paid off big time; however ...
read full comment
"The lessons from the coup are many and varied, but it is important to note that the imperialist enemy, in its various chimera-like forms and shapes, is watching very closely what we are doing. If and when our ideas and actio ...
read full comment
Shabi, your English dosen't make sense.
Oh, Im so sorry that you cannot understand my English. What a pity! But by the way, what school did you attend?
Shabi like you, he attended Shabi School of fools.
You anti-Nkrumaist terrorists and imperialist boot-lickers are so shamelessly desperate that you would even go to the extent of stealing the monikers of those who have been whipping you intellectually, to try to cause confus ...
read full comment
You are all house niggers who have been brain washed .Listen to the World Economic forum taking place in Beijing and you will see Nkrumah was a prophet I am the real Kojo T
"...perhaps the most important practical contribution Ghana made to Namibia...was the fact that in 1966, Ghana's permanent representative to the UN proposed Resolution 2145, which effectively terminated the South Afr ...
read full comment
Francis Kwarteng is simply re-fertilizing the landscape of Nkrumah"s legacy which was ruthlessly and viciously desecrated by the selfish and treasonous few. No wonder their descendants are bombarding us with a load of claptra ...
read full comment