kudos to you brother, God bless you for that piece.
kudos to you brother, God bless you for that piece.
Ben 9 years ago
Martin Amidu is being moved by great jealousy, looking at the magnitude of Anas work, he wished it had been him. I personally don't understand why he should put down all the credibility he earned when he did a great work by e ... read full comment
Martin Amidu is being moved by great jealousy, looking at the magnitude of Anas work, he wished it had been him. I personally don't understand why he should put down all the credibility he earned when he did a great work by exposing corruption eating the fibre of our great country. It is very obvious that he is self - seeking individual who wants everyone to hail him. He has become like saul who killed 1000 and David killing 10000. The scale of Anas work has relegated his work to the ground, hence jealousy is eating him up. Corruption can not be fought by one man,therefore Martin Amidu should rather complement Anas's investigative journalism instead of attacking him. To eradicate corruption,we need a concerted effort. We are all fighting a common enemy that is corruption and therefore we need not to fight among ourselfs.
Godd 9 years ago
This writer is proceeding from the premise that because Anas has rendered such tremendous service to the public, he cannot do wrong and cannot be criticized.
Of course, Anas can be criticized too. It is not every criticis ... read full comment
This writer is proceeding from the premise that because Anas has rendered such tremendous service to the public, he cannot do wrong and cannot be criticized.
Of course, Anas can be criticized too. It is not every criticism that should be reduced to jealousy or hatred. Any criticism against a criticism must be based on the points raised in the original criticism not on assigning globalized motives: hatred and jealousy.
This write up did not address the specific issues raised by Amidu: that Anas is a paid NDC agent, that he has a special passport, that his company is not properly registered for the kind of work it is purported to be doing and so on...
While we commend Anas for exposing the justices, we still need answers to these questions.
Sam 9 years ago
The critical question to ask at this stage is did the judiciary take bribe? Yes. Did Anas support his allegation with fact? Yes. Has the allegation of government sponsorship by Martin been supported by any evidence? No. So if ... read full comment
The critical question to ask at this stage is did the judiciary take bribe? Yes. Did Anas support his allegation with fact? Yes. Has the allegation of government sponsorship by Martin been supported by any evidence? No. So if it's not for jealousy and personal vendetta what is the thrust of his argument. What matters most is that the judiciary is corrupt, no wonder they turned blind eyes on many visible high profile cases that my 7 year old boy could have abjudicated upon with ease. Assuming the allegation of government sponsorship is correct, so what. To you and yoyr cohort Amidu, It is fine for Anas and tiger eye to expose custom officers but not the "so called learned men". Both you and Amidu have lost your conscience and are a disgrace to mother Ghana
Godd 9 years ago
I don't really understand your argument. There's no reason for you to jump to a conclusion that I am supporting Amidu. I just want credible answers from both sides.
As for the critical nature of Anas' exposure of the just ... read full comment
I don't really understand your argument. There's no reason for you to jump to a conclusion that I am supporting Amidu. I just want credible answers from both sides.
As for the critical nature of Anas' exposure of the justices, we have passed that bridge. Nobody is saying that Anas didn't do well on that score or that the justices should not be properly dealt with. It is where we go from there that is critical now. How do we use Anas' exposures and methods to fight corruption countrywide? Remember one of Amidu's points is that Anas is sitting on evidence from other fields. I am not saying Amidu is right but we need answers to such questions - we the people of Ghana.
Saying somebody is jealous or hates or has a wrong conscience are not points that can be used in support of a concrete argument. They are just the expression of sentiments.
Souljah Boy 9 years ago
The writer and all like minded people are MYOPIC to suggest that Anas does no wrong.
The writer and all like minded people are MYOPIC to suggest that Anas does no wrong.
Joseph 9 years ago
The embittered Martin keeps shifting the goal post without an iota of evidence. I will not take him serious again until he backs his allegations with concret prove. Great write up....
The embittered Martin keeps shifting the goal post without an iota of evidence. I will not take him serious again until he backs his allegations with concret prove. Great write up....
Dan 9 years ago
What is good about this write up devoid of any intellectual depth? The writer and his likes are just being sentimental and emotional about Mr Amidu's take on Mr Aremeyaw's expose. Mr Amidu has asked and raised serious legal i ... read full comment
What is good about this write up devoid of any intellectual depth? The writer and his likes are just being sentimental and emotional about Mr Amidu's take on Mr Aremeyaw's expose. Mr Amidu has asked and raised serious legal issues which are not being anwered by admirers and sympathisers of Mr Aremeyaw.
And how did the writer come to the conclusion that "majority" of Ghanaians are behind Ana's?
People should carefully read Martins articles and Debate him on the legal lines and stop the cowardly attacks on him.
Joseph 9 years ago
I thought it was established in law that "he who alleges must prove" if so,why are you now shifting the burden to the accused. Martin is jealous! Reading Martin's articles, have you noticed that he keeps changing allegations ... read full comment
I thought it was established in law that "he who alleges must prove" if so,why are you now shifting the burden to the accused. Martin is jealous! Reading Martin's articles, have you noticed that he keeps changing allegations without hard core evidence. Empty allegations like this does not deserve Anas' time.
It would have been better if your "intellectual depth" was translated into a REJOINDER. What is written here is rather "shallow" on your part.
Godd 9 years ago
Joseph, the matter is not in court for Amidu to provide concrete evidence. It is just a discussing going on between the two men. If Amidu makes concrete accusations before the public, then Anas must dispel those accusations b ... read full comment
Joseph, the matter is not in court for Amidu to provide concrete evidence. It is just a discussing going on between the two men. If Amidu makes concrete accusations before the public, then Anas must dispel those accusations before the public. Anas has done that in his Facebook input but Amidu is still pressing the issues. Of course, if Amidu makes senseless accusations, Anas can ignore those ones. But he cannot ignore everything.
Both are playing their cases before the public. Anas has carried his findings to the public by making them known.
Let us not take sides in this issue but request full info from both.
Kwabena Yeboah 9 years ago
Will you stand up and be counted to defend the Constitution of Ghana, or support the illegal collaboration of Tiger Eye PI and self-seeking political entity - the government? Like many Ghanaians, instead of following the arg ... read full comment
Will you stand up and be counted to defend the Constitution of Ghana, or support the illegal collaboration of Tiger Eye PI and self-seeking political entity - the government? Like many Ghanaians, instead of following the arguments and drawing intelligent conclusions, you are resulting to innuendos and uneducated utterances to buttress your vaunted opinion.
Martin Amidu is a defender of Ghana's constitution, and so should every citizen. We do not live in a jungle where only the strong survive. If you have noticed, he always makes references to a section of the constitution to support his viewpoint. Let Anas come out and use the constitution to support his illegal operations in collaboration of the government. Where in this world would a government of the day give an unincorporated entity a freehand to undertake a private undercover operations against its citizens?
All business entities operating in the country must be incorporated under the Companies Act and state its objective (purpose) before it is issued a license by the Registrar of Companies. Ghana is a country of laws, and that is what the Constitution stands for. The Companies Act is a subset of Ghana's Constitution, and Amidu is bemused that Ghana's government, which is the custodian of the Constitution, has allowed an illegal Tiger Eye PI to operate against its citizens. Is this the wrong argument to make?
Second, why is the government selective in informing the general public of the illegal Tiger Eye PI expose? The general public is aware that the corruption video of the legislature exists - Kweku Baako affirmed its existence when the judiciary corruption expose broke. Amidu insists this is a vendetta against the judicially after the government has lost many cases in the courts. Amidu's point is, altruistic in dealing with corruption in the country, then he should not allow the government to stop him from exposing corruption in every facet of our society - the judiciary, legislature, and the Presidency.
You wrote this article not on principles, but on emotions because a competent read of Martin Amidu's position would have given you a better perspective of his worldview on Anas' Tiger Eye PI illegal operations. Do you know how many careers he has destroyed knowing very well that there equally corrupt individuals in the legislature who are being shielded by the government? Is this fair?
Joseph 9 years ago
Yeboah, Hahahaha ! If the government has a vendetta against the judiciary for losing many cases is presumed to be true. What about Martin himself? It is not obvious that he is also fixated on the executive. Your last but one ... read full comment
Yeboah, Hahahaha ! If the government has a vendetta against the judiciary for losing many cases is presumed to be true. What about Martin himself? It is not obvious that he is also fixated on the executive. Your last but one paragraph confirms what the article is conveying to the public. I am against corruption irrespective of the source.
There are numerous investigative works by Anas in other public institutions- DVLA, COCOA SMUGGLING, OSU CHILDREN'S HOME, ETC
In any case, are you saying that it is only in court that he can provide the hard core evidence? Then he should as well as stop making the allegations in the media and head towards court.
gee 9 years ago
The motive is to prepare the grounds for the impeachment of the president. If it is proven that he has a hand in what Anas did. I see vengeance.
The motive is to prepare the grounds for the impeachment of the president. If it is proven that he has a hand in what Anas did. I see vengeance.
Boakye 9 years ago
"Martin Amidu is the one doing the dirty work of criminals, and he has provided no evidence against Anas. No one needs registration to fight crime" Kofi Bentil of IMANI, Ghana.
"If two thief catchers are fighting, the thie ... read full comment
"Martin Amidu is the one doing the dirty work of criminals, and he has provided no evidence against Anas. No one needs registration to fight crime" Kofi Bentil of IMANI, Ghana.
"If two thief catchers are fighting, the thieves throw a party" Abdul Haayi Moomen of GTV
kudos to you brother, God bless you for that piece.
Martin Amidu is being moved by great jealousy, looking at the magnitude of Anas work, he wished it had been him. I personally don't understand why he should put down all the credibility he earned when he did a great work by e ...
read full comment
This writer is proceeding from the premise that because Anas has rendered such tremendous service to the public, he cannot do wrong and cannot be criticized.
Of course, Anas can be criticized too. It is not every criticis ...
read full comment
The critical question to ask at this stage is did the judiciary take bribe? Yes. Did Anas support his allegation with fact? Yes. Has the allegation of government sponsorship by Martin been supported by any evidence? No. So if ...
read full comment
I don't really understand your argument. There's no reason for you to jump to a conclusion that I am supporting Amidu. I just want credible answers from both sides.
As for the critical nature of Anas' exposure of the just ...
read full comment
The writer and all like minded people are MYOPIC to suggest that Anas does no wrong.
The embittered Martin keeps shifting the goal post without an iota of evidence. I will not take him serious again until he backs his allegations with concret prove. Great write up....
What is good about this write up devoid of any intellectual depth? The writer and his likes are just being sentimental and emotional about Mr Amidu's take on Mr Aremeyaw's expose. Mr Amidu has asked and raised serious legal i ...
read full comment
I thought it was established in law that "he who alleges must prove" if so,why are you now shifting the burden to the accused. Martin is jealous! Reading Martin's articles, have you noticed that he keeps changing allegations ...
read full comment
Joseph, the matter is not in court for Amidu to provide concrete evidence. It is just a discussing going on between the two men. If Amidu makes concrete accusations before the public, then Anas must dispel those accusations b ...
read full comment
Will you stand up and be counted to defend the Constitution of Ghana, or support the illegal collaboration of Tiger Eye PI and self-seeking political entity - the government? Like many Ghanaians, instead of following the arg ...
read full comment
Yeboah, Hahahaha ! If the government has a vendetta against the judiciary for losing many cases is presumed to be true. What about Martin himself? It is not obvious that he is also fixated on the executive. Your last but one ...
read full comment
The motive is to prepare the grounds for the impeachment of the president. If it is proven that he has a hand in what Anas did. I see vengeance.
"Martin Amidu is the one doing the dirty work of criminals, and he has provided no evidence against Anas. No one needs registration to fight crime" Kofi Bentil of IMANI, Ghana.
"If two thief catchers are fighting, the thie ...
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