Respect is earned, not given, Franklin Cudjoe

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  • ADJOA WANGARA 8 years ago

    francis kwarteng is only wasting space with his usual rubbish and garbage postings. kwarteng will "cut and paste" every shit he comes across in the internet.

  • kululu 8 years ago

    You mean this article made no sense to you? please reclaim your mind and read over again. there is a lot of lesson here for every one of us.

  • Kwafo 8 years ago

    Kululu or whatever you call yourself, since when did Kwarteng make sense on this platform.

    Are you also as senseless as Kwarteng?


    There were these three guys talking. Two of them are talking about the amount of control they have over their wives, while the third guy remains quiet. After a while one of the first two turns to the third and says, "Well, wh ...
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  • cat 8 years ago

    Another foolish article to waste everybody's time.

  • YAW 8 years ago

    Who did the brutalization of Scotland? The Scots embarked on an Imperialist adventure that made them bankrupt in the in the early 1700s and were bailed out by the English. Below is an account of how Scotland joined England an ...
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  • F.K. Kwarteng 8 years ago

    A silly rejoinder from YAW aka Francis kwarteng with baseless Analysis.

  • YAW 8 years ago

    ADJOA WANGARA, Bill Gates can donate his brain to you for free and you will still be a complete twat!

  • Dr. SAS, Attorney at Law 8 years ago

    Too much time on your hands Bro.

    Your highfalutin analysis of the president's visit to Scotland diminishes whatever useful outcome the trip may have garnered, and it is per se pointless.

    To me, it makes no sense to dwel ...
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  • KOFI 8 years ago

    Has the president complained about his treatment in the Scottish parliament? So I find all those trying to weep for the president as sick