Opinions of Thursday, 6 December 2012

Columnist: Akyena Brantuo

... may the Lords will be done on December 7.

For the past few months, I have subjected my person and family to great discomfort, worked under extremely harsh conditions and have placed my life in harm’s way for the sole purpose of ensuring a second term for the NDC. I have not been alone in this.

I wonder whether the president has had any sleep in the last six months since the unexpected demise of our father and mentor President John Evans Atta-Mills.

President Mahamah led hard working NDC members and thousands of enthusiastic volunteers to visit the smallest of villages and the complex cities in our country with our better Ghana message.

We have addressed large rallies and evangelized to individuals on the streets, in the markets, “trotros”, drinking spots and the lecture halls about the legacy of the Mills/Mahamah 4-year administration which delivered quality leadership in every facet of our lives, including quality health, education for our kids, social infrastructure and massive economic growth.

We have spoken to you day and night through the magic of the radio and television about how safe the country is now since the motivation, retooling and adding of more personnel to our security services.

We brought to your attention how the introduction of relevant legislations, incentive packages, leadership by example, institutional independence and restructuring of relevant agencies has led to the successful combat of the drug menace, fight against corruption, and efficient justice delivery system.

Our news paper articles have focused on the ever relevant issues of providing salvation to the many people in our country who go to bed hungry, sleep in slumps, and urgently desire the basics of live to keep body and soul together.

We have done this by avoiding insults, personality attacks, and responding to deliberate acts of provocation and direct assaults on our supporters.

In our campaigns we have not hidden our shortcomings. We have shown remorse for same and taken deliberate steps to correct such human errors.

Our hard work notwithstanding, we hold this to be true:

'The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.'

'The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.'

We also believe that ‘it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy.'

As we reflect on the choices before us tomorrow, may the Lord’s will be done on December 7.

God bless our President. God bless our country. And God bless us all!

Akyena Brantuo Benjamin


It is very well forever