Health News of Monday, 28 December 2015

Source: GNA

Cape Coast records few babies during Christmas

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Twenty three babies made up of 11 males and 12 females were born in four health institutions in the Cape Coast Metropolis on Christmas eve, Christmas and Boxing Day.

Ten males and seven females were delivered on Christmas Day, four males and three female babies were delivered on Christmas Day, whilst one male and two females were born on Boxing Day.

The Adisadel Urban Health Centre and the Ewim Polyclinic did not record any births on Christmas but the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH) and the Cape Coast Metropolitan Hospital together recorded seven births on that day.

Madam Evelyn Nyewan, a midwife at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said nine out of the 19 births recorded during the season went through caesarian sessions and the babies and their mothers were in good condition.

She urged expectant mothers to endeavour to donate blood before delivery in order to get replacement in case they bled during child birth.

Madam Hannah Appiah, a mother who delivered at CCTH, could not hide her joy for giving birth to a baby boy on Christmas and thanked God for the opportunity.

Last year a total of 32 births were recorded in the four hospitals with 12 males and nine females were delivered on Christmas.

In 2013, 14 babies were delivered on the day of Christmas and nine recorded in 2012.
