Health News of Friday, 13 April 2012

Source: GNA

Coconut oil can fight Alzheimer's disease - report

Virgin Coconut Oil has been found to have medicinal properties that could improve the health of Alzheimer’s disease patients.

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of diabetes of the brain and symptoms start showing at least after 10 to 20 years.

Alzheimer’s disease is said to be very similar to Type One or Type Two diabetes in which one develops a problem with insulin.

The findings were contained in a video report aired by the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in which Dr. Mary Newport, a physician who runs a neonatology ward at a Tampa, Florida hospital, showed how she used Virgin Coconut Oil to improve the health of her husband.

According to the video footage, Dr. Mary Newport’s husband, Steve, was diagnosed to be on the verge of severe Alzheimer’s and she set out to learn about Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Newport’s study on the disease concluded that: “It appears to be a type of diabetes of the brain and it’s a process that starts happening at least 10 or 20 years before you start having symptoms and it’s very similar to Type One or Type Two diabetes in that you develop a problem with insulin.”

She noted that the active ingredient of the medicine, (AXONA) for managing Alzheimer’s disease, is the medium-chain triglycerides, like those found in coconut oil and so Dr. Newport added coconut oil to the diet of her husband.

Dr Newport said: “Three weeks later Steve had improved emotionally and physically.

“Though he was not able to run before, he was able to run again. He could not read for about a year and a half, but after two or three months, he was able to read.

“Instead of being very sluggish, not talking very much in the morning, he would come out in the morning with energy, talkative and joking, and he could find his water and his utensils.”**
