Health News of Sunday, 6 February 2011

Source: GNA

Delays in NHIS Claims

Kpando, Feb 6 GNA - The Medical Superintendent of Margret Marquart Catholic Hospital Reverend Sister Dr Lucy Hometowu, has said that delays in the re-imbursement of the National Health Insurance claims constituted a major setback for the provision of quality healthcare delivery. She added this problem has thwarted its programmes to plan ahead as it is uncertain when claims would be honoured. Dr Hometowu made these remarks at the Golden Jubilee anniversary of th= e hospital under the theme, 9350 Years of Catholic Mission Health Delivery: Quality Healthcare, A right For All." She said the hospital has thus become a perpetual debtor. As declared by President J. E. A. Mills, 93we want action from the National Health Insurance Scheme, we want it now," she said. The Hospital was established in 1960 under the auspices of Right Rev Anthony Konings, Catholic Bishop of the then Keta Diocese with a core medical staff from Germany. It continues to provide a 24-hour emergency services in areas like X-ray, Ultra sound, physiotherapy, laboratory, surgical, obstetrics and gynaecology for the Kpando and neighbouring districts.
