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Health News of Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Health Minister embarks on a four-day Ashanti regional tour

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye and other health professionals during the tour Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye and other health professionals during the tour

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, Minister for Health, has commenced a four-day working visit to the Ashanti Region.

The tour is designed to allow him to inspect regional and district health facilities, view all yet-to-be-completed projects, and interact with staff to gather firsthand information on the health sector in the region for policy direction.

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye's initial visit was to the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah.

Upon welcoming the Minister, Osei-Mensah expressed his gratitude for Dr. Boye's efforts to enhance healthcare delivery in the country.

The Regional Minister briefed Okoe Boye on some incomplete health facilities and outlined various challenges facing healthcare delivery in the region.

These challenges include the non-availability of health facilities in some deprived areas and a lack of essential healthcare equipment.

Okoye conducted an inspection tour of the new 250-bed capacity Ashanti Regional Hospital located at Sewua in the Bosomtwe District.

This modern health edifice is nearing operational readiness, with physical construction completed.

The Ashanti Regional Hospital is set to be a state-of-the-art facility, featuring a comprehensive array of medical amenities.

It will be equipped with gynecology wards, an intensive care unit, operating theaters, delivery suites, a sterilization department, and a medical gas plant for producing essential medical gases.

"We are setting ourselves a timeline; by September 2024, this facility will be ready for commissioning," he stated.

Dr. Boye also visited the Bekwai Municipal Hospital, reaffirming the government's commitment to improving healthcare services and health infrastructure across the region.

The Medical Superintendent of the facility, Dr. Med. Ebenezer Osei Akoto, welcomed the Minister and expressed his gratitude for the visit.

He highlighted a few challenges they face at the facility, including low power supply and frequent pipeline bursts.

The Minister and his delegation then met with the staff of the Bekwai Municipal Hospital to discuss their challenges.

Okoe Boye assured the staff of the Bekwai Municipal Hospital that their concerns have been noted and will be addressed by the management of the Ministry.

He urged them to continue their efforts to improve healthcare delivery in the country.


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