Health News of Thursday, 21 April 2011

Source: GNA

Health Ministry repeats cholera prevention tips

Accra, April 21, GNA - The Ministry of Health on Thursday repeated cholera prevention tips as the country celebrates Easter with various activities, including conventions and social gatherings. In a statement signed by Mr Rojo Mettle-Nunoo, Deputy Minister of Health, the Ministry reminded the public that cholera was transmitted through the use of water contaminated with faeces, vomitus of patients and, to a lesser extent, faeces of carriers. Other sources are contaminated foods such as milk, cooked rice, lentils, potatoes, beans, eggs and seafood, such as shellfish; and fruits and vegetables, especially those grown by irrigation with waste water, and when fruits and vegetables are eaten raw. The Ministry therefore advised the public to take measures to prevent further spread of the disease that has killed more than 60 people.

It said organisations seeking to hold conventions and mass gathering events must ensure that food vendors, persons selling water and public toilet facilities were monitored and managed to minimise the spread of the cholera outbreak. It reminded the public to wash their hands with soap and water before preparing food, eating or after visiting the toilet; drink and use safe water for domestic chores; boil unsafe water or disinfect water with chlorine.

The statement warned members of the public not to defecate on the open ground, especially near water sources such as rivers, streams, wells or throw faeces into drains, and keep the environment clean. It stressed that food should be cooked well before eating and food should be eaten hot.

"Do not eat food that is cold and left uncovered. Wash thoroughly all fruits such as oranges, pawpaw, and vegetables ...Food sellers must cover their food to keep away flies and dust." It said in case of acute diarrhoea, the patient must start with oral rehydration salt before going to the health centre or hospital, stressing 93go to the nearest health facility as soon as possible". It said in addition, organisations and social gatherings must set up First Aid Corners that can provide ORS for persons reporting with diarrhoea with or without vomiting. 21 April 11
