Health News of Friday, 3 August 2012

Source: Asempa News

Korle-Bu doctors worried about increase in burnt cases

Doctors at the Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns Centre of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital have expressed grave concern about the rise in the number of burnt cases recorded in the first half of 2012, as compared to same duration last year.

Director of the Center, Dr. Opoku Ware Ampomah in an interview with Asempa FM revealed that out of the 153 cases brought to the center, 54 have died as a result.

According to him, the number of deaths the center recorded during the first half of 2012 is above what was recorded the first half of 2011.

Dr. Ampomah described the situation as alarming but said the numerous cases of burns can be prevented if people are taken through rigorous education on the use of petroleum and gas products.

‘We doctors at the center are worried at the rate at which the cases are being reported because we don’t have facilities and the human infrastructure to take care of the victims”, Dr. Ampomah stated.

The Director of the Center stated that the increasing spate of fire outbreak in the country is a major source of worry for his outfit citing the recent North Industrial Area fire as an example, he said if people had suffered burns, it would have been impossible to treat them at the center.

He said although government has recently ordered some equipment for the Centre, pressure continued to mount on the available facilities at the centre.

Dr. Ampomah entreated parents to see to it that their children get proper care while they are away as some cases reported at the centre involved children.

The Director at the Center also called on stakeholders in the petroleum and gas sector including government, to organize educative programs on the use of petroleum products as a way of decreasing the rising fire outbreaks.**
