Health News of Thursday, 10 September 2009

Source: GNA

New Abirem Health Centre upgraded to a hospital

New Abirem (E/R), Sept 10, GNA - The New Abirem Health Centre in the Birim North District that was established in 1973 has been upgraded to a hospital status. Dr Erasmus Agongo, the Eastern Regional Director of Health Services, said this when he paid a courtesy call on the Abiremhene, Nana Amo Kyeretwie 1, after he had visited the hospital. He said the major obstacle that was hindering the upgrading process was the posting of a medical officer but luckily that had been solved. Dr Agongo said a health services administrator and a hospital matron would be posted to man the facility in addition to more nurses and other paramedical staff.

He said one major challenge was staff accommodation and appealed to the chief to help find solution till such time that the hospital would be able to put up its own. The District Director of Health Services (DDHS), Mr Tei Djangmah, said the district health administration would team up with the new medical officer and other hospital staff to ensure quality healthcare delivery to the people.

He said there were great challenges ahead especially when Newmont Gold Ghana Limited would soon start its Akyem Gold project and expressed the hope that with co-operation from all stakeholders, clients who would visit the hospital would be satisfactorily served.

Nana Amo Kyeretwie expressed appreciation to Dr Agongo and that within the short time of being posted to the region he had expedited the upgrading of the facility to its current status. He said New Abirem was strategically sited and appealed to the Regional Director to ensure that the second and third phases of the hospital were carried through.

He also appealed to the district assembly to make enough budgetary allocation in its annual estimates to help the hospital's development.
