Health News of Friday, 1 May 2020


One female, six male police officers test positive for Coronavirus at Bolgatanga

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Correspondence from Upper East Region

Seven junior Police officers in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region have tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

The infected officers comprise of one female officer and six males.

Two of the officers, according to information, got infected with the virus while performing escort duties to bring the first infected woman who tested positive for the virus last month to the region. The other officers picked the infection from work-related duties such as operations.

The infected officers have been released to the Upper East Regional Health Directorate, who have kept them at the Regional Hospital to be given the needed medical attention. Many other personnel of the service at the command, whose samples were taken for testing but the results not received yet, have also been asked to self-isolate.

The Upper East Regional Police Commander, DCOP/ Mr. Ampofo Duku, confirming the report to GhanaWeb’s Senyalah Castro, said there are fears the numbers could go up looking at the nature of the Police work.

He said the news of the seven confirmed cases came as a sad one of great worry to the Regional Police command.

“Yes, the report is true. We have recorded seven infected cases of the coronavirus. The officers are junior officers made up of one female and six male officers. Two of the officers got the infection escorting the first woman who tested positive for the virus to the region. When the woman tested positive, there was contact tracing leading to these cases. But before that they also had contact with the other personnel through operations etc. The cases have become a big worry for us just like the pandemic is for the whole country”

“Unfortunately, not all those who have been tested have had their results released. They are being released bit by bit and we even have fears the figure may go a bit higher. But we pray against that”.

He, however, stated that precautionary measures have been intensified to curb the spread of the disease among personnel of the Police service in the region.

DCOP Duku said the absence of the seven officers would affect the command, adding that the situation could get worse if the cases increase.

“The absence of the seven people will definitely have effect on the command because as at now the seven people are in quarantine and you know the effect of it. The services of the seven at the moment are not available to us. Seven people’s services are no more available to the region. Should the unexpected happens as we are expecting more, should the number of cases increase, the services of these people will not be available and it definitely has effects”.

He advised his men to adhere strictly to all safety precautions in their line of duty to protect themselves against contracting the disease. He said more samples of the personnel will be taken to ensure the disease is eliminated.