Health News of Thursday, 31 January 2019

Source: Prayer Fest Assemblies of God Church

Prayer Fest Assemblies of God Church partners Ghana Association of Medical Aid to address the health needs of residents of new Seduase

The prayer Fest Assemblies of God church Ghana, Dodowa District has collaborated with the Ghana Association for Medical Aid (GAMA), to screen residents of New Seduase community who of various health issues and assisted with some medical aid.

The Ghana Association of Medical Aid is a non for profit and non-governmental organization made of Ghanaians based in the United States who have come together to support the health needs of Ghanaians particularly those living in deprived communities with little or no opportunity for adequate medical care.

At the New Seduase Community, over five hundred people, both young and old were screened by the members of GAMA for variety of diseases including hypertension, malaria, diabetes,cardiovascular disease, hearing and vision difficulties among other.

Secretary to the Ghana Association of Medical Aid (GAMA), Dr. Lucy Ankrah called on government to support healthcare at the grassroots and deprived communities while pledging her association's commitment to supporting the efforts of the Ghana government.

The President of the Ghana Association for Medical Aid(GAMA), Dr.Andrew Baddoo, said the association is a registered non-profit professional group of Ghanaian health workers based in America working to address critical health issues by bringing medical services and supplies to needy communities.

He explaimed that the association is committed to providing meaningful services that will improve the lives of people in Ghanaian communities both in the state of New Jersey and Ghana without worrying about affordability.

The head pastor of Prayer Fest Assemblies of God Rev. Robert Ofori Amoah said the initiative is part of their first year anniversary and they are committed to caring for the health needs for members of the church and the entire New Sefuase community at large.