Politics of Monday, 29 November 2004

Source: IC4 Secretariat

CPP Poised To Dislodge The NPP Incumbent

For many months some have believed the 7th December elections is going to be a fight between the ruling NPP and the NDC, but the Convention People?s Party (CPP) has refused to be intimidated by incumbency or hot air.

The CPP has taken its message the length and breadth of the country to create awareness that the time has come for the CPP to be given the mantle of governance, that the experiments of the NDC and the NPP has failed to deliver meaningful results to take the country out of its economic mess. Compared to the glorious record of the CPP.

The NDC has continued with its slogan of ?SANKOFA? whilst the NPP has relied on ? HIPC Benefit? signboards and inscriptions on buildings, but the strong vision and more vigorous message of the CPP has attracted public confidence: The message that People are a key asset in every society, and thus the CPP will only pursue policies which are people centered.

The message that the State has a role and power to better people?s lives, to eradicate poverty, to educate people, to create knowledge, stimulate activity, and mobilize capital to create wealth, as opposed to the ?just creating an enabling environment ? mantra by the NPP.

The message that the NDC had 20 years to cure Ghana?s ills and failed.

The message that the NDC is quarrelsome, abusive and corrupt.

The message that the NDC is pre-occupied with the NPP at the expense of the national interest.

The message that the NDC uses its PNDC record when it suits it , but that the history also comes with human rights abuses.

That the NPP is also corrupt (we have Bambagate and CNT Loan scandal as proof) That the NPP record is that of failed promises.

That the NPP is too elitist, with policies which would only benefit the few and not the many.

That the NPP is the most divided party in Ghana today with fights still going on in many of its constituency branches, fueled by greed that knows no bounds. The Convention People?s Party has continued to remind the electorate that the election is not about glossy adverts or who has the most money, or the sentiments of one tribe or another, but about all Ghanaians living in harmony, about the failed vision of the NDC/NPP versus the alternative and noble vision of the CPP .

The CPP?s powerful message is turning the tide in its favour and the party is determined to give Ghanaians a surprise package in the elections. The party is now poised to dislodge the NPP.
