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Politics of Saturday, 29 June 2024


Central Reg. NDC chairman, secretary summoned over suspension of Assin Central PC

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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has summoned the Central Regional Chairman and Secretary over the decision to suspend the Assin Central Parliamentary Candidate (PC), Nurein Shiabu Migyimah.

The regional executives, in a letter addressed to Mr. Shiabu Migyimah, stated that the Functional Executive Committee's decision to suspend the parliamentary candidate was on the grounds of immoral acts and anti-party conduct.

However, the national executives questioned why the regional executives could make such a decision without their consent.

“The above-mentioned action, if true, was taken without the approval of the National Executive Committee and is considered inappropriate and in contravention of due process and the provisions of Articles 40, 41, 46, and 48 of the NDC constitution."

“In light of that, you are hereby requested to appear before the National Leadership of the party on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 2 pm, together with your Regional Secretary, to explain how this letter was sent out without the approval of the party’s national leadership,” the General Secretary of the party, Fifi Kwetey, stated.