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Politics of Monday, 24 June 2024

Source: GNA

Election 2024: NDC women in Sunyani undertake peace walk

Some of the women during the peace walk Some of the women during the peace walk

Madam Fati Kine, the Sunyani East Constituency Women's Organizer for the National Democratic Congress, says the party's chances of regaining political power in the 2024 election look brighter.

Therefore, she advised the party's followers to avoid tendencies that could lead to political violence, mar the election, and disturb the nation's peace.

Interacting with the media on the sidelines of a peace walk for the 2024 election in Sunyani, Madam Kine urged NPP supporters to remain tolerant and be decorous in their electioneering as well.

"We need absolute peace for the NDC to govern the nation and alleviate the people's plight," she stated.

"We must endeavor to conduct clean campaigns for the electorate to vote for us. In fact, they are ready to do so, and we must also be more responsible in our electioneering."

Madam Kine called on the Electoral Commission to facilitate a transparent and credible general election free of biases.

The walk, organized by the Sunyani East constituency women's wing of the NDC, took participants through the Sunyani Central Business District (CBD) as the party faithful raised the NDC miniature flags high.