Whenever I meet with Ghanaians, whether it was at a funeral ceremony, outdooring of a baby, Association/Society meetings or at a picnic we always end up talking about the underdevelopment and the not-feeling-accountable attitude of our Ghanaian elected officials. Regardless of our political affiliations we always agree that our unaccountable elected officials are responsible for Ghana’s development lagging behind those of Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan. These are countries that Ghana was economically advance than them when we got our independence in 1957. Do I feel is too late for Ghana, I do not, a change in Ghana’s political direction away from traditional political parties and their system of operation, is the solution to moving Ghana’s economic development forward. If Ghanaians have the will Ghanaians can find a way.
We also always agree that our Ghanaian politicians continued from where the colonial bureaucrats/politicians left. Before Ghana’s independence every expense of a Gold Coast bureaucrat/politician coming from Great Britain to serve in the Gold Coast bureaucratic/political system was paid for by the colonial government in addition to his salary. The compensation was considered an allowance/incentive for being posted in the African jungle. Though, Ghana has been independent for fifty years, Ghanaian politicians refused to change the system. Ghanaian politicians expect to have bungalows, cars, housekeepers and garden boys provided for by the Government. These luxury benefits giving to politicians while common Ghanaians do not have water and electricity, shows the priorities of our traditional political leaders.
Conversation between Ghanaians about Ghana’s underdevelopment has been going on for a long time. I dare say more so by Ghanaians who have seen the differences living in developed countries, and also reading about other countries and their economic accomplishments. We continue to question ourselves why our dear country is not developing at the same pace as Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia giving the human and natural resources God has endowed Ghana with. The developments in these countries did not happen by chance; they were initiated and implemented by citizens and their political leaders. Are we Ghanaians ready to stop talking and do something?
It is easy to conclude that unless there is a drastic change of direction and leadership, Ghana will continue to be undeveloped because we lack dedicated and honest elected officials within the traditional political parties that have dominated Ghanaian politics for the past forty years. The politics of getting rich through elected office, cronyism, tribalism, favoritism and nepotism will continue to prevent Ghana’s development. There seems to be no incentives for Ghanaian elected officials to developed Ghana. Why should our elected officials bother about Ghana’s education system when their children are being educated outside Ghana, why should our elected officials bother about Ghana’s health care services when they themselves get medical care outside the country, or why should our elected official bother about the elimination of poverty when they are overly compensated.
My fellow Ghanaians we can spend out entire lives envying the economic accomplishments of South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and the western countries we live in. That alone would not change the snail pace of Ghana’s development. What we can do together is change the political directions in Ghana thereby, eliminating the entitlement mentality within the traditional political parties that prevents our nation’s development. The traditional political parties that dominate the governing of Ghana for the past forty years failed us, and will continue until we stop talking and do something.
There is a new Party that we can channel our energies and efforts by supporting. The Ghana National Party (GNP) is an ideal party for Ghanaians who think a change in Ghana’s political direction is possible. Ghana National Party (GNP) is not an ideal party for people who look at political parties as an opportunity to buy lofty political appointments. We are all observers and victims of how political appointments have been sold out by the Ghanaian traditional political parties in the past based on their financial contribution and not their skills or dedication to serve our dear country. Whiles not discounting the importance of monetary contribution to political parties, the Ghana National Party (GNP) will only appoint people based on their skills and demonstrated dedication to serve Ghana and not their financial contribution alone. The Ghana National Party (GNP) believes there are decent Ghanaians who desire to serve their country given the chance.
Mother Ghana deserves the best, and the aim of the Ghana National Party (GNP) is to fulfill that dream of change so that all Ghanaians will enjoy the best that our creator and Mother Ghana provide for all citizens but not to the few privileged. The fulfillment of this simple dream involves simple solutions but dedicated efforts with consistent long term planning to ensure that the future is predicted by our present actions or deeds. The saying "what you sow is what you reap" is a reality. Mother Ghana cannot provide for its citizens if her children do not utilize their God-given talents to provide for the simple necessities of life such as basic shelter, food, health, education and a decent healthy environment to live in. Effective leadership is what it takes to implement these things for the people who elect them. Ghana National Party (GNP) intends to provide that leadership.
For the first time in forty years in the Ghanaian political scene, Ghana National Party (GNP) is offering all decent Ghanaians who are frustrated with the traditional political parties a new party. A Party where decent Ghanaians can use their skills and dedications to make Ghana a better place for her citizens. There is nothing wrong with Ghana. There is something definitely wrong with our traditional political leaders and the system they operate within. Ghanaian politicians since 1966 have done very well economically for themselves, yet ordinary Ghanaians continue to suffer in object poverty. This should not be allowed to continue. Change is possible in Ghana with the right political direction and leadership. Your dedication can make this happen.
Our next article will be our policy outline but to those of you with access to the internet please take a moment and visit Ghana National Party website: www.natlparty.com
Contact: Gilbert Salam (GNP Public Relation Officer in Toronto)