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Politics of Tuesday, 28 July 2020


It’s not what you say in opposition but what you did in govt that matters – Bawumia to Mahama

Vice President of Ghana,  Dr Mahamudu Bawumia with NDC flagbearer, John Mahama Vice President of Ghana, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia with NDC flagbearer, John Mahama

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has reminded former President John Mahama that the 2020 Presidential elections is a choice between his eight-year record as Vice President and President and the three-and-half-year record of Nana Akufo-Addo as President.

Former President Mahama has been making a series of promises in an attempt to woo Ghanaians, but in a post on his official Facebook page, Dr. Bawumia has reminded the former President that Ghanaians will judge him by his record as President, not by his new-found promises.

“The choice Ghanaians face on December 7th is between John Mahama and Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. Thankfully both of them have records. John Mahama was Vice President and President for 8 years and Nana Akufo-Addo has been the president for three and half years,” Dr. Bawumia wrote.

“It is not about what you say in opposition. It is about what you did in government. What matters ultimately to Ghanaians is how these two leaders were able to manage the economy and alleviate the suffering of the people when they were given the opportunity to serve,” the Vice President added.

Former President Mahama, during the outdooring of his Running Mate on Monday, promised among other things, to settle monies owed customers of liquidated financial institutions, including DKM which collapsed during Mahama’s presidency.

While the government has settled a number of customers and the Official Liquidator has started paying claims of staff of liquidated banks, Vice President Bawumia minced no words in reminding former President Mahama how his government poorly supervised rhe illegal activities of the liquidated banks, as well as the collapse of 82 financial institutions during his time in government.

“John Mahama presided over a mismanaged and collapsing financial system. 82 licensed financial institutions (listed below) collapsed under JM’s watch (were they deliberately collapsed by his government?) and the depositors were not paid,” Dr. Bawumia stated in his Facebook post and listed the 82 banks which collapsed under Mahama’s watch.

“Nana Akufo-Addo on the other hand has rescued the financial system and spent GHC 21 billion to save the deposits of 4.6 million depositors who would otherwise have lost their savings. DKM depositors will also be paid,” he added.

Making a broader comparitive analysis between Mahama’s 8 years as President and Nana Akufo-Addo’s 3 and half years as President so far, Dr. Bawumia accused Mahama of mismanaging the Ghanaian economy, which the government of Akufo-Addo revived, with all economic indicators improving significantly.

In his post, Vice President Bawumia listed 50 things the John Mahama administration mismanaged, or failed to implement, which the government of Akufo-Addo has achieved in 3 and half years.