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Politics of Thursday, 20 June 2024


John Mahama is the next President of Ghana - Bremang Chief declares ahead of 2024 elections

Chief of Bremang, Nana Baffour Kote Kutin Sraman (far right) with Mahama (front third) amongst other play videoChief of Bremang, Nana Baffour Kote Kutin Sraman (far right) with Mahama (front third) amongst other

Ahead of the 2024 elections, Nana Baffour Kote Kutin Sraman, the chief of Bremang in the Ashanti Region, has publicly endorsed the former President and National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, as the forthcoming leader of Ghana.

This declaration was made following Mahama's insightful public lecture at the Christian Service University College (CSUC) in Kumasi. The event, which commemorated the institution's 50th anniversary, was themed 'The Sustainability of Democracy in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience.'

In his address, Nana Baffour emphasized the importance of educational opportunities for Ghanaians, particularly the provision of scholarships for study abroad.

"When John Dramani Mahama the next president of Ghana takes over power on January 7, 2025, one of his policies should be about scholarships that are given to Ghanaians to study abroad. So, I would implore His Excellency to give it serious thought so that he can change things around in a very short time," he said.

The chief's endorsement adds a significant voice to the political discourse as Ghana prepares for its next presidential election on December 7, 2024.

See the video here