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Politics of Thursday, 28 November 2019


Legacy Battle: Respond with just one and we’ll add 1k more – NDC dares Bawumia

Vice President of Ghana,  Dr Mahamudu Bawumia Vice President of Ghana, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

The main opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC) in the Northern region has thrown down a challenge in its response to the legacy battle between Vice President Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia and former President John Dramani Mahama.

The NDC up-north is daring the Vice President to also name just one legacy he[Bawumia] has secured for the people in the North, while in office, “aside the expired goods he shared that nearly killed our people”

Regional Communication Officer for the Savannah Region, Malik Basintelle told Kasapa 102.5 FM “we will add 1000 more to the 75 we’ve mentioned if he also point to just one of his legacies.”

In an interaction with host Kweku Owusu Adjei on Anopa Kasapa, Basintelle said Dr. Bawumia be advised on the personal attacks on Mahama, insisting they would square up in defense if he[Bawumia] continues on this trajectory.

“He’s made the office of the Vice President so cheap with his jocular comments,” Basintelle stated.

The National Democratic Congress in the Northern region has responded to the challenge by Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia daring former President John Mahama to show him his legacy in the North after serving as President.

Dr. Bawumia threw the challenge on Sunday 24th November 2019 when he joined the Chiefs and people of Nandom Traditional Area to celebrate the 31st annual Kakube Festival of the Chiefs and People of Nandom in the Upper West Region.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Bawumia questioned: “H.E John Mahama should tell Ghanaians one legacy that he left in Northern Ghana, just one when he was President for four and half years. What legacy did he leave?

“Is it the SADA that he left as a legacy for the North or it’s the Guinea fowls that he left for Northerners” he rhetorically quizzed.

Responding to the challenge, the NDC said: We wish to draw Dr. Bawumia’s attention to the fact that, social intervention connotes any action taken to ameliorate a social challenge or ease a burden on society. Legacies on another breadth are deliberate actions or interventions handed down to future generations to help meet their social needs. Judging from the above, it is quite clear that, Dr. Bawumia and his NPP comes nowhere close to the superior records of HE John Dramani Mahama and the NDC as far as the development of Northern Ghana is concerned. We wish to chronicle a few of such interventions for the purpose of educating our brother the Vice President on this matter”.

The party has therefore outlined a tall list of projects they say was started under the former President.

Below is the list of projects

Upper West

Construction of 160 bed Upper West Regional Hospital in Wa
Rehabilitation and upgrade of Wa Airstrip into Airport to support domestic flights.

Construction of Upper West Regional library

Wa Town Urban water project

Construction of 64 CHPS Compounds

Four(4) Health Training Institutions(Nandom, Lawra, Tumu and Kperisi in Wa)
New Senior High Schools in Gwollu, Funsi and Birifo

Eight number E-Blocks. ( Lambussie, Loggu, Dorimon,Zini, Naro, Domwin Boo, Konzokala and Wellembelle) Lambussie and Loggu operational now and the remaining six abandoned at various stages by the NPP

Elimination of forty schools under trees 10. Five Polyclinics ( Wechau, Babile,Ko, Lambussie and Hian)

74 GSOP Dams and labour intensive access roads

Construction of a military barracks to host the Airforce detachment in Wa.
641 Communities connected to the National grid under SHEP and China Water Project.

8 number small town water project for Wachau, Manwe, Goripie, Kpongu, Piina, Nator,Sombo and Wellembelle.

4 number warehouses and pack housing for grains and vegetable storage at Sombo, Gwollu, Eremon and Yagha B.

Upper East

Rehabilitation and expansion of Upper East Regional Hospital to meet world standards

Bitumen surfacing of Bolga to Bongo road

Rehabilitation and modernization of Tono and Vea Dams through GCAP

Construction of Navrongo and Bawku Town water systems

Construction of 1000 tonnes capacity warehouses for storage of farm produce at Wiase, Bolgatanga, Sandema and Navrongo

Construction and rehabilitation of 86 small scale irrigation dams through GSOP

Construction of Tongo-Winkogo road

About 100 communities connected to the National grid through SHEP

Massive infrastructure in almost every Senior High School through SEIP

Construction of 70 CHPS Compounds to improve access to health in our rural communities 11. Expansion of infrastructure at St John Bosco College of Education, Gbewaa College of Education, Zourungo Nursing Training College and UDS Navrongo Campus. This has expanded access to Tertiary Education in the Upper East Region.

Constructed about 500 basic school blocks in the Region(the largest intervention to basic education in UER since independence) 13. Commenced the construction of the 112 km Bolga-Bawku- Pulmanko road

Commenced the construction of the Tamne large scale irrigation dam project to boost irrigation farming in Garu,Tempani, Pusiga, Bawku and Binduri 15. Navrongo to Tumu road (work was progressing steadily, but truncated by this government.

North East Region

Establishment of the Gambaga College of Education

Construction of 57 km Walewale-Nalerigu road

Over 100 communities connected to the national grid

Construction of a storey building dormitory block and a six unit classroom block at Bunkprurugu Senior High School 5. Construction of the Boayini bridge in West Mamprusi Municipaliy

Bitumen surfacing of Wiase to Yabaga road

Construction of small town water systems at Kparigu and Tinguri

Construction of Nalerigu, Gambaga and Walewale town roads

Construction of 20 CHPS Compounds to boost access to health in rural communities within the Region 10. Boardinisation of Nankpanduri and Bunkpurugu Snr High Schools

Massive infrastructure within Senior High Schools to improve access through the SEIP Program

Office Complex for the Municipal Education Directorate at Walewale

A modern lorry station in Walewale 14. Construction of Assembly Hall Complex at Cherepony 15. Construction of District Assembly Complex at Yagaba in the Mamprugu/Moadur District

Northern Region

Tamale to Techiman asphaltic pavement road

Tamale township asphaltic overlay

Asphaltic overlay of roads at Kamina barracks, Bawa Barracks and Tamale Airport residential area

Wulensi Kpandai roads

Nyankpala, Tolon, Tali road

Tamale South Township roads

Upgrading of Tamale Airport to an International Airport

Abuobu market reconstruction

Tamale old market reconstruction

800-bed capacity Tamale Teaching Hospital phase 1&2

Polyclinics at Tatale and Kpandai

Health Training Schools at Yendi and Gusheigu

18 ICT Centres across the Region

Water projects for Nantong,Savulugu,Tamale South, Tamale North,Sagnerigu and Kanvili Tuunayil

Rural electrification for about 1000 communities across the Region


Sawla Damango- Fufulso road( tarred with schools, markets and clinics for communities along the road)

Established a Senior High School in Sawla

Market complex at Sawla, Damongo,Busunu etc

Community Day School at Daboya (E-Block)

ninety-five communities connected to the National grid 6. District Assembly Block at Damango

Mpaha and Buipe senior high schools

Kpalibe Senior High School, Buipe SHS, Buipe S.H.T.S and Mpaha SHS(almost completed) 9. Nurses bungalows at Goyiri, Kulmasa and Sawla

Sawla Polyclinic

Health Insurance Office at Sawla 12. Established Sawls Senior High School 13. Constructed the Kalba Dam

Kunfusi Polyclinic

West Gonja District Hospital