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Politics of Wednesday, 26 June 2024


My government will establish a second chamber of parliament - Alan declares

Founder and leader of the Movement for Change (M4C), John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen Founder and leader of the Movement for Change (M4C), John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen

John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, the founder and leader of the Movement for Change (M4C), has announced that if his movement is elected into office as President, he will abolish the Council of State.

At the launch of his "The Great Transformational Plan" (GTP) on Monday, June 24, 2024, the former Trades Minister, Mr. Alan Kyerematen, explained that there is a need to effect drastic change within the governance and economic sectors of the country.

According to Mr. Alan Kyerematen, the proposal to replace the Council of State with a new Second Chamber of Parliament, which is made up of representatives from key stakeholder groups such as labor unions, faith-based organizations, traditional authorities, professional bodies, gender-based organizations, the private sector, and people with disabilities, is the way to go.

He said, "Abolish the Council of State and establish a new Second Chamber of Parliament with representation from key stakeholders, including faith-based organizations, traditional authorities, professional bodies, gender-based organizations, the private sector, labor unions, and people with disabilities."

He further stated, "That is the truly representative government. That is what we call an all-inclusive government and national unity, and that is going to happen."

Mr. Kyerematen maintains that the two major political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), have nothing new to offer Ghanaians; hence, a vote for the Movement for Change is a step in the right direction.

According to him, the above parties have already had their times since the inception of the Fourth Republic, yet nothing tangible has changed in the governance system.