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Politics of Thursday, 27 June 2024

Source: GNA

NDC focuses on winning 2024 polls, unfazed by opponents - Abu Kansangbata

Abu Kansangbata Abu Kansangbata

Abu Kansangbata, the former Deputy Upper West Regional Minister, has stated that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is unfazed by the toxic political path being pursued by opponents in the run-up to the 2024 polls.

"The NDC is focusing on winning the 2024 polls through a good campaigning process interlaced with good policies and will therefore not meddle in mudslinging to win power," he declared.

Reacting to political commentators on the political career of former President John Dramani Mahama, Kansangbata described them as deceptive and arrogant, arguing that such rhetoric undermined the achievements of Mahama’s administration and disrespected his legacy.

He emphasized Mahama's comprehensive political experience, noting his progression from an assemblyman to a member of parliament, deputy minister, minister of state, Vice President, and ultimately President of Ghana.

He argued that Mahama was a transformational and authentic leader, well-prepared for the presidency through his years of public service.

Kansangbata described Mahama as a respected figure in sub-Saharan Africa who had received numerous accolades for his leadership both during and after his presidency.

A significant portion of Kansangbata’s rebuttal focused on economic indicators and achievements during Mahama’s tenure.

He highlighted that under Mahama, access to electricity in Ghana increased significantly, citing that electricity access rose from 60.5% in 2008 to 83.24% in 2016, indicating a nearly 4% annual increase.

He contrasted this with the current administration’s performance, noting that under President Akufo-Addo, electricity coverage had only managed a 5.6% increase compared to Mahama’s 22.74%.

Kansangbata also addressed the issue of national debt, pointing out that Ghana’s debt-to-GDP ratio had surged past 100% under the current administration, up from 57% during Mahama’s presidency.

He argued that this significant increase in debt, along with a rise in the budget deficit from 6.6% to 15% and inflation from 15% to 23.1%, reflected poorly on the current government’s economic management.

"In 2016, under Mahama’s administration, the cedi to dollar exchange rate was GHS 3.7 to USD 1. However, under the current NPP government, it has risen to GHS 15.3 to USD 1," he stated.

Kansangbata defended Mahama’s leadership style, describing him as a leader who was genuinely committed to the development of Ghana and underscored Mahama’s efforts in improving infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

According to Kansangbata, Mahama’s administration made significant strides in building roads, hospitals, and schools, which laid a foundation for sustainable development.