Politics of Friday, 27 September 2024

Source: classfmonline.com

NDC urges eagle eye on companies printing ballot papers and pink sheets

13 candidates have been certified by the Electoral Commission for the presidential election 13 candidates have been certified by the Electoral Commission for the presidential election

The Director of Elections and IT for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Edward Omane Boamah, has raised concerns about the involvement of two printing companies, Buck Press and Inolink, in the upcoming December elections.

In a Facebook post dated September 26, 2024, captioned "#EAGLEEYES watching all others," Dr. Boamah noted that these companies continue to appear in discussions related to the printing of ballot papers and pink sheets.

Though his post was brief, it implied a call for vigilance, urging stakeholders to closely monitor the processes surrounding these companies.

According to him, the ballot papers and pink sheets are critical components in Ghana's electoral process, and any irregularities associated with their printing could compromise the credibility of the elections.

Dr. Boamah suggests growing scrutiny as the December polls approach.

The concerns raised may prompt further conversations among political actors and the Electoral Commission (EC) regarding transparency in election preparations.