Politics of Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Source: mynewsgh.com

NPP Chairman aspirant feeds 227 prisoners

Alhaji Mohammed Adan ,NPP Regional Chairman hopeful with an inmate and a prison officer Alhaji Mohammed Adan ,NPP Regional Chairman hopeful with an inmate and a prison officer

A New Patriotic Party (NPP) Regional Chairman hopeful, Alhaji Mohammed Adan Samba in commemoration of this year’s Eid al-Fitr fed inmates of the Tamale Central Prisons numbering about 227.

According to him, it is an annual ritual he shows care for inmates of the prison especially after 30 days of fast to beg God for compassion.

At the Tamale Central prisons on Monday June 26, 2016, he urged the inmates not to lose hope indicating that the fact they had been incarcerated was not an end to itself.

He disclosed that they are still useful society and should not see their present state as the end of the road calling on them to serve as role models for the youth out there who thing engaging in crime is best.

“I wish to urge all of you to take this opportunity to become useful to society when you are released after serving your various terms. You still remain useful to society and can contribute in your individual capacities to help move the country forward. This must not make you lose hope persevere and engage in useful but productive ventures upon your release”, he counseled.

He urged them not to be disheartened over the state of affairs in the prisons saying God had a purpose for letting them be there appealing to them to live upright lives since this was not the end of the road for them indicating that it was a transition and they would surely come out one day.
