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Politics of Tuesday, 25 June 2024


NPP better than NDC claim: Almost 1m Ghanaians fell into hardcore poverty under your government - Cudjoe replies Amin Adam

Franklin Cudjoe and Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam Franklin Cudjoe and Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam

The Founder and President of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe, criticized the Minister for Finance, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, for his claim that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government has outperformed the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in economic management during their eight years in power.

The minister reportedly stated at a UK Town Hall meeting over the weekend that the NPP has been more successful in managing Ghana's economy.

"On the economy, our record is better than their record. In terms of the economy's size, we've performed better than them. In per capita income, we've excelled over them. In job creation and economic growth, we've surpassed them," he said.

In response to this, in a post shared on Facebook on June 25, 2024, Franklin Cudjoe asserted that Ghanaians are still struggling with the economic challenges caused by the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government.

According to him, under this government, over one million Ghanaians were pushed into extreme poverty due to poor economic management.

The IMANI boss added that it is only under this government that the savings of thousands of Ghanaians were wiped out through financial haircuts.

"My brother Mohammed Amin Adam, I know this is political campaigning season, but please, the wounds of economic atrophy birthed by fiscal recklessness and highway procurement graft, culminating in the ugliest of financial haircuts, demeaning the self-esteem of our pensioner senior citizens and shepherding almost a million people into hard-core poverty as never experienced in a generation, all supervised by your immediate predecessor with backing vocals from the presidency, are fresh in our minds. By all means, do your politics, but just stay focused on your caretaker role, which you are doing astonishingly well at," he wrote.

Read his full post below:


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