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Politics of Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Nana Kwame Bediako commences his Accra road show by visiting Kasoa, Kaneshie and Abossey Okai

Nana Kwame Bediako Nana Kwame Bediako

Nana Kwame Bediako, the leader and flagbearer of the New Force party, launched his Greater Accra Regional tour on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, with a mission to deliver a message of hope and propose practical solutions to the economic hardships plaguing many Ghanaians.

The tour began in Kosoa, where Nana Kwame Bediako visited the New Market and Timber Market.

There, he engaged with traders, sharing his vision for Ghana's future and emphasizing the urgent need for tangible solutions to the economic challenges that many citizens are facing.

"We have to find a solution to this hardship that some of us are going through," Bediako declared, highlighting the daily struggles of Ghanaians.

"So that we will be able to get what we will eat, wear, keep, and also be able to take care of our children."

Addressing the youth, he stressed the importance of their involvement in the nation's transformation.

"This is the time for the youth; we have to get hold of the power to change things for the better so that everybody.

"Ghana should not be for other people from outside. We should be rich as Ghanaians; we should be successful Ghanaians," he said.

The traders at Kosoa, excited to meet the New Force leader, gathered in large numbers to hear his message.

Many expressed their support, citing Bediako's youthful energy and fresh perspective as a beacon of hope in challenging times.

"I will vote for him because the old men have disappointed us," one trader asserted.

Another trader added, "He should come and save Ghana from this hardship. Now we come and sit here the whole day with little because people don't patronize us anymore, complaining that there is no money in the system."

Following his visit to Kosoa, Nana Kwame Bediako and his entourage traveled to Kaneshie, where he continued his interactions with the local community.

He met with market women, assessing the prices of goods and discussing the economic challenges faced by traders.

His day concluded at the Abossey Okai spare parts dealers, where he continued to engage with the community, listening to their concerns and sharing his vision for a prosperous Ghana.

Watch the latest episode of Everyday People on GhanaWeb TV below: