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Politics of Wednesday, 12 June 2024


National Cathedral: Corrupt persons will be made to fill the hole with shovels – Malik Basintale

Deputy Communications Director for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Malik Basintale Deputy Communications Director for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Malik Basintale

Malik Basintale, the Deputy Communications Director for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has vowed that the NDC will retrieve monies from individuals who have profited from the construction of the national cathedral.

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu, in his series of investigations into the National Cathedral, has revealed that some persons within the board of trustees have made millions from the project. He identifies the architect, among others, as beneficiaries of what he describes as "free money" that needs to be retrieved.

"I thought that the Vice President would be telling us how they would retrieve our money, the $58.1 million. Ghanaians have been informed of how huge sums of money were diverted to all kinds of characters. As we speak, a gentleman named Kari Samers is keeping our $6 million. The Vice President must be concerned. Many architects in our country who are Christians, who are God-fearing, would have designed it for free for the glory of God. In one of the documents I intercepted, just for redesigning one restaurant, David Adjaye was paid $5.7 million. So, the Vice President should be talking about retrievals; that is what we want to hear," he said.

Speaking on John Dramani Mahama's promise to retrieve all stolen monies from appointees in the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo administration, Malik Basintale indicated that they will not only retrieve the monies but will also provide shovels for them to cover the hole they have created in the name of the National Cathedral.

"A pastor who is called Kwabena Adu Gyamfi today and Victor Kusi Boafo tomorrow was paid over 58 million, all in the name of constructing a National Cathedral. They abandoned the hole. When Okudzeto Ablakwa exposed the man, have you heard Mr. Akufo-Addo taking an interest or instituting any anti-corruption agency to investigate the matter? For me, that National Cathedral, we will not only retrieve the funds, but we will also give all the corrupt individuals shovels to fetch sand and cover the holes they have dug there before we use it for whatever purpose we decide. I swear to God on this. We will not only retrieve the funds but will also give them shovels to fill the holes," he said.