Politics of Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Source: mynewsgh.com

Stop elevating pastors over Christ – Rev. Frimpong warns against misguided Christian practices

Rev. Eric Owusu Frimpong Rev. Eric Owusu Frimpong

Rev. Eric Owusu Frimpong, founder and leader of Father’s House Glorious Ministry, has taken a firm stance against problematic practices within the Christian community during his recent appearance on Kingdom FM’s Anopa Nkomo Show monitored by MyNewsGh.com

Addressing what he views as a concerning trend, Rev. Frimpong criticized Christians who elevate their pastors above Jesus Christ by using stickers and other symbols that glorify their leaders as the primary focus of their faith.

Speaking candidly, Rev. Frimpong emphasized, “I would never allow any member of my congregation to place my image on their belongings as if I were their savior. Jesus Christ is the true focus of our faith, and nothing should detract from that.”

He expressed his discomfort with the growing tendency of some believers to idolize their pastors, even going as far as using their images as symbols of divine protection or success.

“In some churches, it’s become normal to plaster the face of the pastor everywhere, but this practice is a direct contradiction of biblical teachings. Christ should always be the center,” he remarked.

Rev. Frimpong shared his personal approach to ministry, noting that he has never featured his own likeness at any church event, despite the popularity of such practices among other ministries.

He stressed that maintaining a Christ-centered faith is non-negotiable, saying, “I cannot afford to face God’s disapproval by allowing my image to replace the image of Christ in people’s minds.”

The discussion, led by the program’s host, also touched on a peculiar incident where a Christian woman claimed her business flourished after placing a sticker of her pastor, Stephen Adom Kyei Duah, on her water business equipment.

While the woman believed the sticker brought blessings, Rev. Frimpong quickly dismissed the notion, reinforcing his message that promoting pastors over Christ is fundamentally wrong.

“The Bible never teaches us to promote our pastors over Jesus Christ,” he warned, adding that such beliefs can lead Christians down a dangerous path of misunderstanding their faith.

Rev. Frimpong concluded by urging Christians to refocus their devotion on Christ alone, who is the ultimate authority in their spiritual lives.