Politics of Sunday, 28 July 2013

Source: GNA

Zongo for Mahama donates to communities

Zongo for Mahama (ZFM), a politically oriented organization, has donated 20 bags of sugar for distribution to some Zongo communities in the country.

Mr Mohammed Sofo Jajah, Founder and Chairman of ZFM, who disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency on Saturday at Mamobi, a suburb of Accra, said the donation was the organization’s widow’s mite in support of the communities during this year’s Ramadan.

He said his organization was not solely interested in political activities but also the welfare of the people and gave the assurance that they would continue to assist other communities and associations when the need arose.

Mr Sofo Jajah took the opportunity to urge all Zongo communities to accept the outcome of the 2012 presidential election petition no matter who the ruling favoured.

The Zongo for Mahama believes that the peace experienced throughout the country during the election was largely as a result of the effort of the people, especially those in the zongo communities, he said.

He said any violent reaction by any individual or group as a result of the outcome of the election petition would have a dent on the country’s most cherished image as a peaceful and democratically matured nation among the community of democratically-advanced nations in the world.

“Every Ghanaian must work hard and put in efforts to ensure that we do not do anything to disturb the peace the nation is currently enjoying,” Mr Sofo Jajah said.

He wished all Muslims a successful fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan and called on Ghanaians, especially Muslims, to continue to pray for the nation.

The Zongo for Mahama launched a “Respect the Verdict” campaign stickers in respect of the impending Supreme Court ruling on the 2012 Presidential Election petition.
