From your anus, mind your business Mr stomach journalist
From your anus, mind your business Mr stomach journalist
FRANKIE 9 months ago
Kwame Sefa Kayi, you are despicable and disgusting.
Kwame Sefa Kayi, you are despicable and disgusting.
Dr Mumbi Seraki 9 months ago
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine. For instance 10 paracetamol at once.......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine. For instance 10 paracetamol at once.......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.
I was going to write the same and I saw your response.
Kwame Sefa Kaye, you have sold your soul to the devil. You are not a journalist but bloody blood sucking lunatic. Greedy Bastards
I was going to write the same and I saw your response.
Kwame Sefa Kaye, you have sold your soul to the devil. You are not a journalist but bloody blood sucking lunatic. Greedy Bastards
From his useless men 9 months ago
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. ... read full comment
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. Alan can never win No election in ghana as an independent presidential candidate.
From his useless men 9 months ago
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. ... read full comment
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. Alan can never win No election in ghana as an independent presidential candidate.
Gyamfi 9 months ago
All you people know is insult denigrating people people and insults.
Was the question addressed to you?Did he not justify the question?Is it not legit?
And you insult?You have problems real genuine problems?
Sit at one pla ... read full comment
All you people know is insult denigrating people people and insults.
Was the question addressed to you?Did he not justify the question?Is it not legit?
And you insult?You have problems real genuine problems?
Sit at one place pushing draft.But remember whatever you dmsew you will reap okay so sit there and tie your destiny to someone who dies not even value you,be envious of everyone who is moving ahead and think those people are your problem ok go on don't stop!!!
Acheampong 9 months ago
Let's vote for Alan cash. He is honest and visionary. He is practical.
An independent president is what Ghana needs now. NDC and NPP has failed Ghana
Let's vote for Alan cash. He is honest and visionary. He is practical.
An independent president is what Ghana needs now. NDC and NPP has failed Ghana
Kk 9 months ago
Mr Sefa Kayi I don't think u want to kw the answers . U guys are all part of the problem Ghanaians are going tru and one day u will pay for it.....
Mr Sefa Kayi I don't think u want to kw the answers . U guys are all part of the problem Ghanaians are going tru and one day u will pay for it.....
Jb 9 months ago
From coffee shop mafia.
From coffee shop mafia.
agya 9 months ago
what is wrong with Sefa?. Aww these are people we think make sense
what is wrong with Sefa?. Aww these are people we think make sense
GHANABA 9 months ago
Ananse 9 months ago
Good answer
Good answer
EDDY 9 months ago
From Afghanistan...mctheeew
From Afghanistan...mctheeew
Ojojo 9 months ago
From the knowledgeable silent majority who are not stomach directional politically tainted like you.
From the knowledgeable silent majority who are not stomach directional politically tainted like you.
Ahmed Yahaya 9 months ago
From Parliament and Kwame Sefa Kate should know this. He can pick anybody in Parliament period!
From Parliament and Kwame Sefa Kate should know this. He can pick anybody in Parliament period!
Citizen 9 months ago
From the sky
From the sky
Enoch 9 months ago
Fool 9 months ago
From your mom ass.....wats our problem.... big fool
From your mom ass.....wats our problem.... big fool
Shit hole 9 months ago
Nonsense question...why didn't you ask Akua donor. All these years..stomach konkonsa journalism
Nonsense question...why didn't you ask Akua donor. All these years..stomach konkonsa journalism
Ade 9 months ago
Certainly not from among corrupt, greedy, hypocritical and unpatriotic Ghanaians like Sefa.
Certainly not from among corrupt, greedy, hypocritical and unpatriotic Ghanaians like Sefa.
Citizen GH 9 months ago
All the answers are good. Very perfect, I need not add anything. Gyimii, Alan will appoint his ministers from your bushy hair.
All the answers are good. Very perfect, I need not add anything. Gyimii, Alan will appoint his ministers from your bushy hair.
Donatus 9 months ago
From Ghana.
From Ghana.
Bugbaba 9 months ago
Mr are you blind or it's propaganda as usual??? Independent candidates has won election through out the world and formed government's
Mr are you blind or it's propaganda as usual??? Independent candidates has won election through out the world and formed government's
Nansis 9 months ago
Even currently most of Nana Addo ministers are not from parliament.
Nana the lawyer has disregarded the constitution. Why don't you first ask him to answer?
What shows that majority of MPs come December 7th will be from NPP ... read full comment
Even currently most of Nana Addo ministers are not from parliament.
Nana the lawyer has disregarded the constitution. Why don't you first ask him to answer?
What shows that majority of MPs come December 7th will be from NPP or NDC?
Stupid journalist on the payroll of Bawumia
Adio Kiko 9 months ago
This is an unlikely thing to happen so stop thinking about it.
This is an unlikely thing to happen so stop thinking about it.
How can a blackmailer like Kwame Sefa Kaye be called a "renowned journalist"? By whose standards is he a renowned journalst?
This guy is a criminal, extortionist, a blackmailer and all
Alan will appoint his Ministers fr ... read full comment
How can a blackmailer like Kwame Sefa Kaye be called a "renowned journalist"? By whose standards is he a renowned journalst?
This guy is a criminal, extortionist, a blackmailer and all
Alan will appoint his Ministers from you black ass
Atta Obeng site 19 Tema 9 months ago
Good question, but where is Bawumia going to pick his ministers from ?, is it from the same corrupt appointees of Akuffo Addo and the same solid economic management team led by another useless vice president
Good question, but where is Bawumia going to pick his ministers from ?, is it from the same corrupt appointees of Akuffo Addo and the same solid economic management team led by another useless vice president
The Talking Fish 9 months ago
What kind of stupid question is this
Gyimiiiii nkoaaaa
A country of over 33 million and u are asking him where he will appoint his ministers from
Gyandam Kwasia keka nkoaa
What kind of stupid question is this
Gyimiiiii nkoaaaa
A country of over 33 million and u are asking him where he will appoint his ministers from
Gyandam Kwasia keka nkoaa
Millie 9 months ago
Kwame Sefa Kayi asked a simple and sensible question but the idiots are insulting him because they lack the brains to understand. By law the president appoints majority of ministers from parliament so which MPs will Alan appo ... read full comment
Kwame Sefa Kayi asked a simple and sensible question but the idiots are insulting him because they lack the brains to understand. By law the president appoints majority of ministers from parliament so which MPs will Alan appoint in the most unlikely event that he wins the president.
Yaw 9 months ago
Idiot the law does not stop any president from appointing amy he want fool remember the independent.member your party is using as if they are in majority? Foool
Idiot the law does not stop any president from appointing amy he want fool remember the independent.member your party is using as if they are in majority? Foool
Kofi Ghana 9 months ago
He never thought of that of that because he has not seek permission to use the criminal lot
He never thought of that of that because he has not seek permission to use the criminal lot
Dr 9 months ago
The more journalists and politicians in GH grow in aged the more they become useless (gyimii saaaaa)to Ghanaians...
For me to hearken to some so called journalists in this country enka will open and watch for r ... read full comment
The more journalists and politicians in GH grow in aged the more they become useless (gyimii saaaaa)to Ghanaians...
For me to hearken to some so called journalists in this country enka will open and watch for relaxation...
Atadikatsa 9 months ago
From you mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
From you mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
Atadikatsa 9 months ago
From your mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
From your mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
Yaw 9 months ago
He will select you as how akuf addo select you idiot
He will select you as how akuf addo select you idiot
Cambodia"88 9 months ago
This gentleman is a disgraced to journalism.. his bootlicking prowess is stinks and shameful..
And so if he has no party don't he has friends with the requisite expertise, knowledge and experience he can choose..
This man ... read full comment
This gentleman is a disgraced to journalism.. his bootlicking prowess is stinks and shameful..
And so if he has no party don't he has friends with the requisite expertise, knowledge and experience he can choose..
This man sits on radio and all that he does is to praise sing, and ask useless, headless and meaningless questions that does not help the
ordinary Ghanaian in anyway..
Yet this criminal organization call Nana Addo led NPP has plunged our country into an abyss yet, massa.. tell the kwame Sefa Kayi to stop asking useless, senseless questions..
Joe Joe 9 months ago
Utopia.... ,Alan. We will not allow you to create further problems for us. Go and join your mother party. You may be considered for the vice position and from that, you will be the driver.
Utopia.... ,Alan. We will not allow you to create further problems for us. Go and join your mother party. You may be considered for the vice position and from that, you will be the driver.
Kojo 9 months ago
What a naive question? I least expected such a question from a so called senior journalist
What a naive question? I least expected such a question from a so called senior journalist
Saint Ablakwa 9 months ago
Alan will not get one percent of the total votes, therefore forming the next government is a mirage.
Alan will not get one percent of the total votes, therefore forming the next government is a mirage.
From his useless men 9 months ago
He will appoint his ministers from the gutter and useless men following him.
He will appoint his ministers from the gutter and useless men following him.
POWERFUL 9 months ago
Indeed, Ghana is deviled with idiots. Foolish boy. His head like pumpkin.
Indeed, Ghana is deviled with idiots. Foolish boy. His head like pumpkin.
Elephant Farmer 9 months ago
Don't poke your Nose in another man's business. Alan doesn't need 110 plus 220 deputies. Agric and Fishery are one. GFA and sports are one. Sanitation is nonsense.
Don't poke your Nose in another man's business. Alan doesn't need 110 plus 220 deputies. Agric and Fishery are one. GFA and sports are one. Sanitation is nonsense.
Esi 9 months ago
This is a nonsensical question!
Does the constitution disqualify ‘non party affiliate’-able Ghanaians from being ministers?
This is a nonsensical question!
Does the constitution disqualify ‘non party affiliate’-able Ghanaians from being ministers?
eric 9 months ago
Oh Kwame....where did u emerge in the npp as a board member of a state organization.....Alan has over 31 million Ghanaians to choose from ok
Oh Kwame....where did u emerge in the npp as a board member of a state organization.....Alan has over 31 million Ghanaians to choose from ok
Roxanne - Aboso 9 months ago
From Okponglo and Bawaleshie
From Okponglo and Bawaleshie
AKP 9 months ago
Sefa Kayi should ask the constitution that made the provision for independent presidensy?
Sefa Kayi should ask the constitution that made the provision for independent presidensy?
Athena- US 9 months ago
From Ghana.
From Ghana.
Aban 9 months ago
Why? Has Ghana ran out of potential govenrment ministers? I would love to head a ministry of common sense.
Why? Has Ghana ran out of potential govenrment ministers? I would love to head a ministry of common sense.
Sardine 9 months ago
Allan will choose his ministers from your wife's womb
Allan will choose his ministers from your wife's womb
Koku 9 months ago
From peace fm.
From peace fm.
Kwadjo 9 months ago
From Kwame Sefa Kayi's family and also some from nsawam prison.
From Kwame Sefa Kayi's family and also some from nsawam prison.
Kwesi Kwesi 9 months ago
So with your December head, there's nothing inside, foolish man asking stupid question.
So with your December head, there's nothing inside, foolish man asking stupid question.
Molemole 9 months ago
Papa Sei 9 months ago
Alan is a joker. Massa p3 wo baabi tena wai. Just wasting resources
Alan is a joker. Massa p3 wo baabi tena wai. Just wasting resources
Prince 9 months ago
He will appoint them from ur father ass foolish question kwame be sensible a little ur question is the useless one .
He will appoint them from ur father ass foolish question kwame be sensible a little ur question is the useless one .
Historian 9 months ago
Kwame Sefa Kayi, there are still very honest, decent, intelligent and law abiding citizens in Ghana who will gladly join any other good person (if one is found and elected) to form a patriotic government to run Ghana. This is ... read full comment
Kwame Sefa Kayi, there are still very honest, decent, intelligent and law abiding citizens in Ghana who will gladly join any other good person (if one is found and elected) to form a patriotic government to run Ghana. This is where Alan should get his ministers from if elected in Dec 2024. It would have been the citizens who voted him to power and not any political party!
Bravo 9 months ago
So to u president must pick his ministers from his party? If capable individual out side his party can't be chosen as minister? Did bukina faso president chose his ministers from the military camp?. How can a country grow whe ... read full comment
So to u president must pick his ministers from his party? If capable individual out side his party can't be chosen as minister? Did bukina faso president chose his ministers from the military camp?. How can a country grow when respectable people think like this
Yaw Buabeng 9 months ago
From your mother's anus. Foolish question by all standards. For your information, there are decent people in Ghana unlike yourself. You stomach thing of a journalist. After all you are serving on a board so you can spew shit.
From your mother's anus. Foolish question by all standards. For your information, there are decent people in Ghana unlike yourself. You stomach thing of a journalist. After all you are serving on a board so you can spew shit.
Kk 9 months ago
Who says Alan, will win? Apuuuuuuuuuuuu. In Ghana, Alan, winning election? God forbid. Independent candidate, winning presidential election, joking. NDC and NPP have taken the members already. Alan,is doing political business ... read full comment
Who says Alan, will win? Apuuuuuuuuuuuu. In Ghana, Alan, winning election? God forbid. Independent candidate, winning presidential election, joking. NDC and NPP have taken the members already. Alan,is doing political business like paa kwasi induom , Apalooo, Gum, etc
All die be die 9 months ago
From your fucking anus, stupid man because of the likes of you and kwaku baaku journalism is now chip. Npp pays for your fuel, that of your wife,and a monthly allowance, posterity will judge you one day .stupid man
From your fucking anus, stupid man because of the likes of you and kwaku baaku journalism is now chip. Npp pays for your fuel, that of your wife,and a monthly allowance, posterity will judge you one day .stupid man
TT 9 months ago
He will appoint them from your anus. Hypocrite.
He will appoint them from your anus. Hypocrite.
seth 9 months ago
How silly is this supposition? Ghana abounds with tens of thousands of people who could function effectively as ministers.
How silly is this supposition? Ghana abounds with tens of thousands of people who could function effectively as ministers.
Akua 9 months ago
Form your Hometown
Form your Hometown
Kobena Nsonaba Obibini 9 months ago
Is it a must that appointment of ministers, etc be taken from a political parties.?
Hmmm mentors with mentees thinking.
Is it a must that appointment of ministers, etc be taken from a political parties.?
Hmmm mentors with mentees thinking.
Nuumo 9 months ago
What foolish question is this? hey! Kaya AAA man he will will get them from your "apampam store"
You see your life? no integrity, no honor, no respect anymore, no dignity again.
The only thing left for these away man is fo ... read full comment
What foolish question is this? hey! Kaya AAA man he will will get them from your "apampam store"
You see your life? no integrity, no honor, no respect anymore, no dignity again.
The only thing left for these away man is for you to pretend you are having sex with your woman.This guy, including kweku Ananse Baaku succeed in deceiving and brainwashing some of us into thinking that Akufo and Bawu are good materials, not knowing they are the most negative administrators ever seen in this world. As for my father, these two azaa journalists have succeeded in hypnotizing him to the extent of no return, you know these old age guys and their ways of thinking " they come under the guise that JJ did this, JJ did that to them'
Shame on Kwaku Ananse Baaku and Sefa Kaya" Azaa people.
God will deal with you guys for polluting my father's mind since time immemorial.
Daakyehene 9 months ago
From Kokrokoo morning show
From Kokrokoo morning show
Dadie 9 months ago
By asking that question Kwame Sefa Kayi is rather helping Alan's people to explain to Ghanaians how he will administer the country if he wins the election. It's rather in their own interest to answer the question properly to ... read full comment
By asking that question Kwame Sefa Kayi is rather helping Alan's people to explain to Ghanaians how he will administer the country if he wins the election. It's rather in their own interest to answer the question properly to convince voters. Surprisingly, idiots and people with no brains are rather insulting Kwame.
From your anus, mind your business Mr stomach journalist
Kwame Sefa Kayi, you are despicable and disgusting.
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine. For instance 10 paracetamol at once.......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.
I was going to write the same and I saw your response.
Kwame Sefa Kaye, you have sold your soul to the devil. You are not a journalist but bloody blood sucking lunatic. Greedy Bastards
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. ...
read full comment
I think from your OPEN ANUS RATHER. Alan himself is a confused old man. Who doesn’t know which direction he’s going. He can’t even communicate his ideas. He is a fool With same people following him for his little cash. ...
read full comment
All you people know is insult denigrating people people and insults.
Was the question addressed to you?Did he not justify the question?Is it not legit?
And you insult?You have problems real genuine problems?
Sit at one pla ...
read full comment
Let's vote for Alan cash. He is honest and visionary. He is practical.
An independent president is what Ghana needs now. NDC and NPP has failed Ghana
Mr Sefa Kayi I don't think u want to kw the answers . U guys are all part of the problem Ghanaians are going tru and one day u will pay for it.....
From coffee shop mafia.
what is wrong with Sefa?. Aww these are people we think make sense
Good answer
From Afghanistan...mctheeew
From the knowledgeable silent majority who are not stomach directional politically tainted like you.
From Parliament and Kwame Sefa Kate should know this. He can pick anybody in Parliament period!
From the sky
From your mom ass.....wats our problem.... big fool
Nonsense question...why didn't you ask Akua donor. All these years..stomach konkonsa journalism
Certainly not from among corrupt, greedy, hypocritical and unpatriotic Ghanaians like Sefa.
All the answers are good. Very perfect, I need not add anything. Gyimii, Alan will appoint his ministers from your bushy hair.
From Ghana.
Mr are you blind or it's propaganda as usual??? Independent candidates has won election through out the world and formed government's
Even currently most of Nana Addo ministers are not from parliament.
Nana the lawyer has disregarded the constitution. Why don't you first ask him to answer?
What shows that majority of MPs come December 7th will be from NPP ...
read full comment
This is an unlikely thing to happen so stop thinking about it.
How can a blackmailer like Kwame Sefa Kaye be called a "renowned journalist"? By whose standards is he a renowned journalst?
This guy is a criminal, extortionist, a blackmailer and all
Alan will appoint his Ministers fr ...
read full comment
Good question, but where is Bawumia going to pick his ministers from ?, is it from the same corrupt appointees of Akuffo Addo and the same solid economic management team led by another useless vice president
What kind of stupid question is this
Gyimiiiii nkoaaaa
A country of over 33 million and u are asking him where he will appoint his ministers from
Gyandam Kwasia keka nkoaa
Kwame Sefa Kayi asked a simple and sensible question but the idiots are insulting him because they lack the brains to understand. By law the president appoints majority of ministers from parliament so which MPs will Alan appo ...
read full comment
Idiot the law does not stop any president from appointing amy he want fool remember the independent.member your party is using as if they are in majority? Foool
He never thought of that of that because he has not seek permission to use the criminal lot
The more journalists and politicians in GH grow in aged the more they become useless (gyimii saaaaa)to Ghanaians...
For me to hearken to some so called journalists in this country enka will open and watch for r ...
read full comment
From you mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
From your mum nyash of course. What a stupid question
He will select you as how akuf addo select you idiot
This gentleman is a disgraced to journalism.. his bootlicking prowess is stinks and shameful..
And so if he has no party don't he has friends with the requisite expertise, knowledge and experience he can choose..
This man ...
read full comment
Utopia.... ,Alan. We will not allow you to create further problems for us. Go and join your mother party. You may be considered for the vice position and from that, you will be the driver.
What a naive question? I least expected such a question from a so called senior journalist
Alan will not get one percent of the total votes, therefore forming the next government is a mirage.
He will appoint his ministers from the gutter and useless men following him.
Indeed, Ghana is deviled with idiots. Foolish boy. His head like pumpkin.
Don't poke your Nose in another man's business. Alan doesn't need 110 plus 220 deputies. Agric and Fishery are one. GFA and sports are one. Sanitation is nonsense.
This is a nonsensical question!
Does the constitution disqualify ‘non party affiliate’-able Ghanaians from being ministers?
Oh Kwame....where did u emerge in the npp as a board member of a state organization.....Alan has over 31 million Ghanaians to choose from ok
From Okponglo and Bawaleshie
Sefa Kayi should ask the constitution that made the provision for independent presidensy?
From Ghana.
Why? Has Ghana ran out of potential govenrment ministers? I would love to head a ministry of common sense.
Allan will choose his ministers from your wife's womb
From peace fm.
From Kwame Sefa Kayi's family and also some from nsawam prison.
So with your December head, there's nothing inside, foolish man asking stupid question.
Alan is a joker. Massa p3 wo baabi tena wai. Just wasting resources
He will appoint them from ur father ass foolish question kwame be sensible a little ur question is the useless one .
Kwame Sefa Kayi, there are still very honest, decent, intelligent and law abiding citizens in Ghana who will gladly join any other good person (if one is found and elected) to form a patriotic government to run Ghana. This is ...
read full comment
So to u president must pick his ministers from his party? If capable individual out side his party can't be chosen as minister? Did bukina faso president chose his ministers from the military camp?. How can a country grow whe ...
read full comment
From your mother's anus. Foolish question by all standards. For your information, there are decent people in Ghana unlike yourself. You stomach thing of a journalist. After all you are serving on a board so you can spew shit.
Who says Alan, will win? Apuuuuuuuuuuuu. In Ghana, Alan, winning election? God forbid. Independent candidate, winning presidential election, joking. NDC and NPP have taken the members already. Alan,is doing political business ...
read full comment
From your fucking anus, stupid man because of the likes of you and kwaku baaku journalism is now chip. Npp pays for your fuel, that of your wife,and a monthly allowance, posterity will judge you one day .stupid man
He will appoint them from your anus. Hypocrite.
How silly is this supposition? Ghana abounds with tens of thousands of people who could function effectively as ministers.
Form your Hometown
Is it a must that appointment of ministers, etc be taken from a political parties.?
Hmmm mentors with mentees thinking.
What foolish question is this? hey! Kaya AAA man he will will get them from your "apampam store"
You see your life? no integrity, no honor, no respect anymore, no dignity again.
The only thing left for these away man is fo ...
read full comment
From Kokrokoo morning show
By asking that question Kwame Sefa Kayi is rather helping Alan's people to explain to Ghanaians how he will administer the country if he wins the election. It's rather in their own interest to answer the question properly to ...
read full comment