Press Releases of Wednesday, 19 February 2003

Source: r. yofi grant


1. NTHC, the Managers of the Cocoa Processing Company Limited (CPC) Public Offer for Sale (Offer) is pleased to announce the results of a very successful offer as per the summary attached.

2. The Offer which ran from September 17 - November 22, 2002, involved 215368,750 ordinary shares of no par value at ?1000 per share.

3. In the course of the Offer extensive consultations were held by key stakeholders with a view to maximising investors’ interest by granting a discount on the offer price of ?625 per share.

The major reasons for doing so at the end of the Offer are:

(i) the GSE ‘s reservation about introducing differential pricing in the course of the Offer, such as the Special Offer, such as the Sperial Price given to Cocoa Farmers, and

(ii) to take into consideration the market’s sentiments about the pricing.

5. The discounted price has been granted to all applicants under the Offer except allocations under the CPC Staff Offer (which was disclosed under section 2.3, page 5 of the Offer).

6. In summary, the Offer statistics are restated as follows:

No. of Issued Shares 861,575,000

No. of Shares Offered 215,368,750

Original Offer price per share ?1000

Discounted price per share ?625

Therefore for every 100 shares applied for at ?1000 an applicant will now be issued with 160 shares at ?625 per share.

All relevant disclosures and provisions in the CPC Shares Offer Prospectus on pricing and shares on Offer are accordingly amended.

7. The Public is advised the CPC will be listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange on February 14, 2003.