Press Releases of Monday, 29 June 2020

Source: Aim Higher Africa

Coronavirus: Aim Higher Africa donates to support low income communities

Aim Higher Africa donates to support low income communities Aim Higher Africa donates to support low income communities

It has been a tough few months. At times, it can feel like the world is unravelling. Whether you’re dealing with sickness, social distancing, working from home for the first time, and/or trying to home-school kids, it isn’t easy.

We all want to get back to something close to normal. We don’t know when that will be, and what that normal will look like, but we wanted to point out one organization that is chipping in to help.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, Aim Higher Africa, the education non-profit with a focus on empowering impoverished communities by providing them with the tools and resources to build scalable and sustainable wealth, has been working to support and protect those who are most vulnerable in our communities.

The organization has directly brought resources to the front lines, donated proceeds and supplies, or helped prioritize vulnerable children.

Through its #ABag4ADream initiative, which was launched about two years ago, Aim Higher Africa has made thousands of donations to local communities in Ghana and Nigeria including learning materials, food items, hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes and face masks to help those struggling to make ends meet cope.

Like many organizations, we are doing our small part to help those whose lives have been severely affected by this pandemic. Hunger is a very real problem for a lot of families and in addition to helping children continue to learn by providing resources, we want to also empower parents to be able to feed their children at this time,” says Peace Hyde, Founder of Aim Higher Africa.

The organization is also partnering with local health centres to provide frontline workers with PPE equipment as well as providing health information to local communities.
