Press Releases of Thursday, 5 February 2015

Source: Ghana Forum on Western Sahara

Forum on Western Sahara condemns NGO’s attempt to legitimize illegal occupation

The Ghana Forum on Western Sahara is calling on Swiss-based Crans Montana Forum (CMF), to reconsider their decision to hold an extraordinary meeting in Dakhla, a city of Western Sahara, illegally occupied by Morocco, against international law.

The Crans Montana Forum, a non-governmental organization purportedly seeks to promote international cooperation, dialogue, growth, stability, peace and security across the world has announced a three-day meeting dubbed: South-South Cooperation and Crans Montana Forum on Africa in Dakhla, a city in the Western Sahara territory. The meeting is planned from March 12 -14 this year.

It is significant to note that Western Sahara, which is considered Africa’s last non-self-governing territory, has been illegally annexed by Morocco since 1975. The Moroccan authorities have defied the international community by frustrating a settlement plan by UN. They have also been carrying out a policy of systematic repression against the Saharawi people in their own homeland.

It is against this background that, the Forum is of the firm view that organising the meeting in Dakla under the auspices of King Mohammed VI of Morocco would not only undermine the mission of Crans Montana, a body that claims to work tirelessly for peace and better world, but more importantly give legitimacy to the illegitimate and illegal policies of King Mohammed VI in Western Sahara and undermined the struggle of the Saharawi people self-determination.

The Ghana Forum of Western Sahara believes that Crans Montana does not support the illegal occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco; we therefore call on Crans Montana to heed last week’s declaration by the Heads of States and Governments of the African Union to reverse their decision to meet in the territory.

Finally, the Forum urges all freedom lovers worldwide, particularly so, the Government of Ghana and Ghanaians of all political persuasion, as a matter of urgency, to bring pressure to bear on the Moroccan authorities to respect the international legality and ensure that MINURSO organize the referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara as recommended by the UN Security Council without further delay.