Press Releases of Saturday, 8 February 2020

Source: Future News Worldwide

Opportunity for Ghana’s future news makers to learn from world’s top journalists

Aliaume Leroy and Benjamin Strick from BBC Africa Eye with Ghanaian Delegates Aliaume Leroy and Benjamin Strick from BBC Africa Eye with Ghanaian Delegates

Applications are open for Future News Worldwide 2020, a prestigious international conference for the next generation of journalists run by the British Council in partnership with some of the world's leading media organisations.

100 fully-funded places are available for the brightest young bloggers, vloggers, photojournalists and reporters from across the globe to take part in the two-day event at Sky Central - the global headquarters of the Sky Group in Isleworth London in July 2020.

With contributions from leading media organisations such as Reuters, Google NewsInitiative, Facebook and UK Schools of Journalism, the conference is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for the next generation of top journalists to hone their skills and make global connections.

Last year’s event saw some of the most experienced and respected international editors, broadcasters and reporters share their knowledge and insights with delegates from 50 countries. Speakers included Jon Snow, Channel Four; Christina Lamb, Chief Foreign Correspondent for the Sunday Times; Head of Global News Desk for Reuters Nick Tattersall, and Sreenivasan Jain, Managing Editor New Delhi Television.

Future News Worldwide 2020will offer an equally rich and packed programme for the next generation of news makers and content creators. Judging by last year’s entries, which saw over3000 applications received, competition for places will be strong. During last years’ program, Ghana was represented by 3 delegates.

Future News Worldwide 2019 attendee Stella Darley, a freelance journalist is encouraging all budding young journalists to apply: “after Future News Worldwide 2019, I got the vision and direction I needed to make an impact in society. I began thinking more about the African continent than just my country, and for the first time, I realized that there are many opportunities and resources available for me to work freelance across Africa".

The other two delegates from Ghana were OwurakuAmpofo a sports journalist with the Multimedia Group and Jemima Agyemang, a former student of Ghana Institute of Journalism.

The opportunity is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals from any country who will be aged 18-25 years old on 1 July 2020. Applicants should be able to speak English at an advanced level and need to demonstrate that they are passionate about following a career in journalism.

Applications can be made by

The deadline for applications is 14th February, 2020.

About Future News Worldwide

Future News Worldwide is a partnership between the British Council and some of the world’s leading media organisations. It aims to assist young people to make global connections and develop a wide range of journalism skills. #FNW20

About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We work with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 65 million people directly and 731 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications.

We make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.

For more information, or contact +233 30 261 0090
