Press Releases of Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Source: Prabon Greenfields

Prabon Greenfields committed to sustainable solutions

Prabon Greenfields Prabon Greenfields

Prabon Greenfields, a community development described in an earlier article a few weeks ago is being built at Prabon, a village within the city limits of Kumasi.

The project is committed to the sustainable development of the community by adopting various technologies that will enhance the living experience for her inhabitants without damaging the environment or causing higher costs.

Sustainable development is a process for meeting human development goals while sustaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depends on.

While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived most strongly from the 1987 Brundtland Report, it is rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest management and twentieth-century environmental concerns.

Sustainable development is the organizing principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet so that our future generation can also use it.

It is a process that envisions a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the "integrity, stability and beauty" of natural biotic systems.

Prabon Greenfields has addressed this in a multi-pronged manner 1) Solar panels for hot water in every home.

2) Central waste management treatment plant to which every home is connected via underground sewerage systems negating the need for septic tanks in every backyard: Waste Management technology used in Prabon Greenfields is Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) which is a proprietary highly effective, innovative and advanced method of industrial and domestic wastewater treatment with several unique advantages among other technologies.

One of the advantages of the RBC – Rotating Biological Contactor technology is that the fixed film accumulated on the disks will tolerate sudden and long changes in hydraulic and organic loads.

In addition, power consumption, compared to conventional methods is up to 80% less and the maintenance does not require constant attention of a skilled person or sophisticated instrumentation. Product after treatment is 100% safe drinking water, used to irrigate public areas of the Prabon Greenfields development.

3) Highest quality building standards to ensure longevity of house-life without expensive renovation costs within years. Why have a 99-year lease on your property if it has to be rebuilt several times before the lease is exhausted or is renewed? A home for you and your offspring with less costs and use of resources needed to maintain a comfortable life.

4) Independent water supply from own boreholes that supplies 100% drinkable water in all homes, most of which is reused and returned to the ground by irrigating the public areas, via the waste management system mentioned above .
