Press Releases of Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Source: International Human Rights Commisssion, Ghana

Public notice and disclaimer


The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC)-Ghana wishes to disclose to the general public that some individuals who go by the names Mr. Friday Sani (of Nigeria) and Mr. Bernard Kofi Bonarparte (of Ghana) are using the name of the IHRC illegally, to perform certain activities which include soliciting for sponsorship from unsuspecting members of the general public, making press releases, etc. They claim to have an affiliation with the Special Monitoring Mission of International Human Rights Commission (SMM-IHRC) in Ukraine.

The SMM-IHRC Ukraine is not mandated by the IHRC to set up charters in other member states of the UN. It is IHRC-Geneva that holds the sole right to do so. It is in this regard that we bring to your notice that their activities are illegal.

The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Geneva, Switzerland has offices in all Member states of the United Nations (UN) across Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and the Middle East working with a legal status as required by law contained in a Charter signed with the UN on the 23rd December, 2003 at the United Nations of Geneva (UNOG).

The IHRC serves as the eye of the world on issues of Human Rights abuses with proper and fair reporting to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) aside from engaging in other humanitarian activities. The IHRC-Ghana was therefore set up by the IHRC-Geneva with the mandate to perform the functions and duties as enshrined in the latter’s charter.

IHRC-Ghana wishes to state that individuals or organizations that foster any partnership with these individuals with the following office address: Bernard Kofi Bonarparte, RVC SMM IHRC, No. 10 Coco Street Nungua, Brigade Estate, Ghana and the institution dubbed SMM-IHRC, REPUBLIC OF GHANA do so at their own risk. It is in this regard that we report their activities as illegal.

The IHRC-Ghana remains committed to working with the Government of Ghana and other stakeholders to fight corruption and promote human rights issues. For further information on the IHRC-Ghana operations and mandate, please visit: