Press Releases of Friday, 27 October 2023

Source: Yango

Yango responds to claims of labour abuse and driver exploitations

Yango is a ride hailing service Yango is a ride hailing service

Yango would like to state that the article published on your website contains false facts. First, Yango is not a taxi or a transportation company. It does not employ drivers or own or lease out any vehicles – instead, Yango is a technology company that transforms global technologies into everyday services, with an impact on local development.

Yango service connects riders with drivers.

Drivers who work for the partners of Yango choose to drive with Yango for the flexibility and control they have. Partners own their own transportation companies, and they use the Yango app to connect their drivers with riders and grow their business.

Yango’s partners in Ghana do offer their driver leasing programes, but the conditions of these programes are among the facts that have been distorted in the article. As such, the minimum of daily trips, although implemented by some of the Yango partners, is not based on the unreachable figures as it has been pointed out.

The absolute majority of the drivers who participate in the program, reach their daily goals, and overreach them, which helps them provide a steady income for their families.

If a driver wishes to leave the program, the deposit is always refunded after minor deductions based on the condition of the leased car. Also, we have not received any official complaints from the drivers who are unhappy with their participation in the said partner’s program, although our support team is always there to answer any of the questions and guide the drivers through the process.

Yango finds the claims in the article to be fully ungrounded. Thanks to the leasing program Yangos partners offer to the drivers, hundreds of people across Ghana are now earning more than before and above average pay.

Yango itself has recently shared various initiatives such as partner-driving earnings-increasing efforts, benefits like free health screenings, driver of the month awards, and other support activities.

Partner drivers are always welcome to discuss their individual concerns, because Yango succeeds only when our partners succeed, so our teams are working hard every day to find even more ways for the drivers on the Yango platform to thrive."
