Regional News of Thursday, 6 April 2006

Source: GNA

19th Western Presbytery opens

Ketan (W/R) April 6 -GNA-The Reverend Joseph A. Obodai, Western Presbytery Chairperson of the Presbyterian Church said every individual has a unique role to play in ensuring that truth was upheld. He said without it, the church, society, chieftaincy and other institutions of the country would grind to a halt.

Rev. Obodai said these at the opening of the 19th Western Presbytery at Sekondi on Wednesday. "If every one played the expected roles effectively, the nation would move forward in unity and the developmental needs of the country would material", he stressed.

Rev. Obodai said to be able to function better; the individual must acknowledge the roles assigned to them in to fulfil Gods purpose for man.

He said in unity lies strength and therefore called on institutions, churches and the family to love, respect, sacrifice and are willing to uphold truth and promote unity irrespective of the cost. "Unity calls for a deeper bond of fellowship and dedication, while love calls for common respect and understanding" he added. Rev. Emmanuel A. K. Amey, Minister in-charge of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church at Sekondi, in a message said religious fanatics, ethnocentrism, and partisan politics had divided the nation and this must be reversed.

He said God does not show favouritism and called on Christians to avoid the practice since it could divide the nation.

Rev. Amey said tribal, cultural, socio-economic and cultural affiliations must not be used as a yardstick in religious affairs. Osabarima Kow Entsie II, Omanhene of Mpohor said the church should seriously address improper dressing among the youth. He said most of the fashions, which lead to the expo sition of several parts of the individual, could be traced in the various churches and asked ministers of the religion to be bold and speak against such acts. He said though some ministers were seriously working on it, others had woefully failed to reprimand such individuals. 06 April 06