Regional News of Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Source: GNA

50th anniversary match ends abruptly at Twifo Praso

Twifo Praso, (C/R) Mar. 13, GNA - A friendly soccer match organized between the local Station Boys and Pushers F/C to climax the 50th Independence anniversary celebrations at Twifo Praso ended abruptly midway in the second half of the game.

At the time of the incident, Pushers F/C were leading with a lone goal in the match which was organized by the Twifo-Hemang-Lower-Denkyira District Assembly.

The incident started midway in the second half when John Edzie of Pushers and Joseph Collins of Station Boys exchanged blows. This brought the supporters of the two clubs armed with bamboo sticks to engage in a free for all fight with the spectators running helter-skelter for their dear lives while the referee Kofi Sammy and his assistants fled the scene and abandoned the match. All attempts by the District Chief Executive, Mr Samuel Agyeibi-Kessie and members of his delegation to the celebrations to bring the situation under control proved futile and the officials were thus compelled to take away the gigantic Cup plus cash intended for the winner of the match. Meanwhile the Praso Police have mounted a search for two persons, Kwesi Tawiah and Ato Tawiah for allegedly insulting the DCE during the incident. 13 March 07
