Regional News of Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Source: GNA

Afiaman forms social auditing committee to monitor development projects

Six-member Social Auditing Committee formed at Afiaman to monitor progress of development projects Six-member Social Auditing Committee formed at Afiaman to monitor progress of development projects

Residents of Afiaman, an Accra suburb, have formed a six-member Social Auditing Committee to monitor and track the progress of development projects by the Ga North Municipal Assembly, where the community is located.

Members of the committee are; Reverend Samuel Majoub as the Chairman, Naa Afia I, representing the traditional authority, Madam Agnes Otobeah from Persons with Disabilities, Imam Ibrahim from the Moslem community, Mr Ebenezer Osae, an Assembly Member, Ga North Municipal Assembly, and Madam Faustina Blewusi, as an ex-officio member.

The projects are education, water, road, and electricity with health being a top priority.

The formation of the committee was at the instance of the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) under its flagship Anti-corruption, Rule of Law and Accountability Programme, aimed at promoting community ownership of developmental projects and policies, and empowering citizens to demand accountability from duty bearers.

Mrs Lucille Hewlett Annan, the Greater Accra Regional Director, NCCE, speaking at a social auditing forum in the community, advised the Committee to get involved in community projects in ensuring value for money.

The forum was to enlighten the residents on their rights to seek clarifications from duty bearers on decision making, activities, income and expenditure incurred by institutions of state.

She encouraged the participants to utilize the passage of the Right to Information Bill in empowering themselves to demand for accountability to reduce corruption in the country.

Madam Blewusi, the Acting Municipal Director of NCCE, Ga North, said the programme would draw the people closer to their leaders to ensure accountability and transparency in the handling of community funds.

Rev. Majoub on behalf of the Committee pledged to work diligently and ensure the completion of the projects on time, especially the community health post.