Regional News of Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Source: GNA

Another fire outbreak at Makola prevented

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Security personnel at the Makola side of the Second Hand Cloth Sellers Association over the weekend helped prevent another fire disaster from occurring.

It is alleged that the fire which started at 1850 hours after everyone had left, was due to the negligence of a food seller, who left the naked fire after close of business.

Mr Justice Amalai Tetteh, Chairman of the Association, told the Ghana News Agency that to help prevent any reoccurrence of fire outbreaks in the market, the Association had banned the use of gas cylinders and deep freezers and other electric and heat-emanating appliances.

He said the Association deems it necessary to take other drastic measures including the suspension of members who were found violating the stated ban.

Mr Tetteh said the ban on gas cylinders, deep freezers and the use of electric and box irons and naked fires by food sellers were still in force, adding that, effective monitoring and security measures had been put in place to ensure the safety of all.

“Our wooden structures are still not safe and I am appealing to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly to expedite action on the construction of the new market,” he said.
