Regional News of Saturday, 27 September 2014

Source: GNA

Assembly interacts with town folks on dev’t projects

Mr. Henry Owusu, Sekondi/Takoradi Metropolitan Development Officer, has said the Assembly was working to complete development projects initiated within the various communities of the metropolis.

He said the STMA was steadily implementing the development initiative in the medium-term Plan and that contract had been awarded for the construction of a teachers’ resource centre, 12-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities for Porter A1 and A2 at Effiakuma.

Mr. Owusu was speaking at a town hall meeting organized by the STMA in partnership with United Civil Society Organization for Development and SPEFA projects to ensure that citizens fully participated in the local governance process of the assemblies.

Other projects included two-storey eight-unit classroom, library project at Takoradi, eight-unit classroom block at Sekondi, construction of health post at Whindo and the completion of the Metropolitan Health block at Sekondi.

He said these and some other projects were being financed with the Urban Development Grant and the District Development Facility.

Mr. Joseph Cudjoe, Member of Parliament for the Effia, lauded the assembly for improving road networks with the metropolis but called for the construction of storm drains to avoid disaster in case of prolonged rains.

He said the assembly must also demarcate places to be used as road in future to avoid paying compensations when such projects are being undertaken.

Capt Anthony Cudjoe (rtd), the Metropolitan Chief Executive, called for attitudinal change towards the environment to avoid sanitation related diseases.
